Down sendromlu çocukların günlük yaşamdaki fonksiyonel düzeyinin ve yaşının annelerin yaşam kalitesine etkisi
Çalık, Bilge Başakçı
Çetin, Sebahat Yaprak
Kılıç, Mustafa Can
Taşpınar, Ferruh
Aslan, Ümmühan Baş
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma, Down sendromlu çocukların günlük yaşamdaki işlevsel düzeyinin ve yaşının, annelerin yaşam kalitesi üzerine etkisini incelemek amacıyla planlanmıştır. Çalışmaya, yaş ortalaması 7,9±3,5 yıl olan Down sendromlu 37 çocuk alındı. Çocukların işlevsel bağımsızlık düzeyi, İşlevsel Bağımsızlık Ölçeği ile, annelerin yaşam kalitesi Kısa Form-36 ile değerlendirildi. İşlevsel Bağımsızlık Ölçeği toplam puanı 36-90 arasında olanlar, gözlem gerektiren Down sendromu grubu (n=18) ve 91-126 arasında olanlar bağımsız Down sendromu grubu (n=19) olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. İstatistiksel incelemede Mann-Whitney U testi ve Spearman korelasyon testi kullanıldı. BULGULAR: Gözlem gerektiren Down sendromlu çocukların toplam İşlevsel Bağımsızlık Ölçeği puanları 73,7±15,4 iken, bağımsız Down sendromu grubundaki çocukların puanları 106,7±11,6 bulundu. Her iki grup açısından ailelerin Kısa Form-36 zihinsel, fiziksel ve toplam puanları sırasıyla, gözleme ihtiyaç duyanların; 49,6±14,9, 53,1±25,1 ve 102,7±37,4 iken, bağımsızların; 62,1±13,9, 68,3±21,6 ve 130,5±33,7’dir. Gruplar karşılaştırıldığında Kısa Form-36 Zihinsel ve Kısa Form-36 Toplam puanları bağımsız Down sendromlu çocukların aileleri lehine anlamlı iken (p<0,05), Kısa Form-36 Fiziksel puanı açısından fark anlamsızdı (p>0,05). Bunun yanı sıra, çocukların yaşları ile annelerin yaşam kalitelerinin tüm alt testleri arasında her iki grupta herhangi bir ilişki bulunmadı (p>0,05). Çalışmamızın sonucu, Down sendromlu çocukların işlevsel bağımsızlık düzeyine bağlı olarak ailelerin yaşam kalitesinin etkilendiği ve yaşam kalitesindeki etkilenmenin zihinsel açıdan olduğunu düşündürmüştür. Çocuğun yaşı ile annenin yaşam kalitesinin ilişkili olmadığı görülmüştür
This study was investigate the impact of level of functional independence and ages on the quality of life of the mothers in children with Down Syndrome. and Thirtyseven Down syndrome children (7.9±3.5 years) were included in this study. Functional independent level of children were evaluated by using Functional Independence Measure, mothers quality of life were evaluated by using Sort Form-36. Down syndrome children were classified according their Functional Independence Measure total score into two groups; need observation (36-90 scores) (n=19), and independent (91-126 scores) (n=18) groups. RESULTS: Functional Independence Measure total scores of children in need obsevation group and children in independent group were 73.7±15.4, 106.7±11.6, respectively. Sort Form -36 Physical, Sort Form -36 Mental and Sort Form -36 Total scores of children in need obsevation group were 53.1±25.1, 49.6 ± 14.9 and 102.7±37.4 and children in independent group scores were 68.3±21.6, 62.1±13,9 and 130.5±33.7, respectively. When we compared Sort Form -36 Mental and Sort Form -36 Total scores of the groups were significant in favor of independent group (p<0,05), but the difference of Sort Form-36 Physical score was insignificant (p>0,05). In addition, it was found no relationships between the quality of life of mothers and children age in the all groups (p>0,05). The results of our study suggested that functional dependence level of Down syndrome children effects on mothers’ quality of life and affected domain of quality of life was mental health. It was seen that the age of Down syndrome children did’nt has effect on quality of life of mothers
This study was investigate the impact of level of functional independence and ages on the quality of life of the mothers in children with Down Syndrome. and Thirtyseven Down syndrome children (7.9±3.5 years) were included in this study. Functional independent level of children were evaluated by using Functional Independence Measure, mothers quality of life were evaluated by using Sort Form-36. Down syndrome children were classified according their Functional Independence Measure total score into two groups; need observation (36-90 scores) (n=19), and independent (91-126 scores) (n=18) groups. RESULTS: Functional Independence Measure total scores of children in need obsevation group and children in independent group were 73.7±15.4, 106.7±11.6, respectively. Sort Form -36 Physical, Sort Form -36 Mental and Sort Form -36 Total scores of children in need obsevation group were 53.1±25.1, 49.6 ± 14.9 and 102.7±37.4 and children in independent group scores were 68.3±21.6, 62.1±13,9 and 130.5±33.7, respectively. When we compared Sort Form -36 Mental and Sort Form -36 Total scores of the groups were significant in favor of independent group (p<0,05), but the difference of Sort Form-36 Physical score was insignificant (p>0,05). In addition, it was found no relationships between the quality of life of mothers and children age in the all groups (p>0,05). The results of our study suggested that functional dependence level of Down syndrome children effects on mothers’ quality of life and affected domain of quality of life was mental health. It was seen that the age of Down syndrome children did’nt has effect on quality of life of mothers
Anne, Children, Çocuk, Down sendromu, İşlevsel düzey, Zihinsel sağlık, Down syndrome, Mothers, Functional level, Menthal health
Çalık, B. B. (2020). "Down sendromlu çocukların günlük yaşamdaki fonksiyonel düzeyinin ve yaşının annelerin yaşam kalitesine etkisi". Uludağ Üniversitesi Güncel Pediatri Dergisi, 18(1), 29-40