Simone de Beauvoir: Öteki olarak kadın
Bayoğlu, Filiz
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma, feminist düşüncenin gelişiminde önemli bir yeri olan Simone de Beauvoir’nın, kadını erkeğin yokluğu, eksik ötekisi olarak tanımlayan, rasyonaliteyi erilliğe, duygusallığı ise dişilliğe eşitlediğine inanılan Batı felsefesi geleneğine karşı feminist duruşunu hatırlatma niyetindedir. Bu çerçevede, Beauvoir’nın ontolojik ikiciliğin her türünü reddeden, kadınların niçin bastırıldıklarını açıklarken, hakiki anlama ve açıklamanın bastırılanın, tahakküm altına alınanın sesine kulak vermekle mümkün olacağını savunan tavrına yer verilmektedir.
This study aims to call attention to the feminist attitude of Simone de Beauvoir –a key figure in the development of feminist thought– that challenges the tradition of Western philosophy which defines woman as the absence of man and his lacking other and which is believed to equate rationality with the masculine and sentimentality with the feminine. In this frame it deals with Beauvoir’s thought which refuses ontological dualism of any sort and asserts that it is possible to reach genuine understandig and explanation while trying to explain why women are suppressed only by way of listening to the voice of the voiceless, namely of the suppressed and dominate.
This study aims to call attention to the feminist attitude of Simone de Beauvoir –a key figure in the development of feminist thought– that challenges the tradition of Western philosophy which defines woman as the absence of man and his lacking other and which is believed to equate rationality with the masculine and sentimentality with the feminine. In this frame it deals with Beauvoir’s thought which refuses ontological dualism of any sort and asserts that it is possible to reach genuine understandig and explanation while trying to explain why women are suppressed only by way of listening to the voice of the voiceless, namely of the suppressed and dominate.
Öteki, Kadın, Ötekinin varlığı, Erkek, Eylem, Other, Woman, Being of others, Male, Action
Bayoğlu, F. (2010). "Simone de Beauvoir: Öteki olarak kadın". Kaygı. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 15, 71-78.