BİLSEM'e kayıt hakkı kazanan ve kazanamayan öğrencilerin anne/babalarının rehberlik gereksinimlerinin incelenmesi
Belur, Arif
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu araştırmada 2011/2012 eğitim yılında Şanlıurfa BİLSEM özel yetenekli birey tanılama sürecine katılmış, BİLSEM'e kayıt hakkı kazanan ve kazanamayan öğrencilerin anne/babalarının rehberlik gereksinimleri ve bu süreçteki destek kaynaklarını belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, çocuğu BİLSEM'e kayıt hakkı kazanan (n=28) ve kazanamayan (n=233) toplam 261 anne/babaya araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen dört bölümden (demografik bilgiler, çocuğa ilişkin bilgiler, destek kaynakları, rehberlik gereksinimleri ve rehberlik hizmetlerinden yararlanma) oluşan bir anket uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sosyo-demografik bulgulara göre, katılımcıların çoğu babalardan (%56) oluşmaktadır. Anne/Babaların yarısından çoğu (%51) 36-45 yaş aralığındadır. Katılımcıların yaklaşık yarısı üniversite (%51), dörtte biri lise (%26) mezunudur. Kayıt hakkı kazanan öğrencilerin anne/babaları kazanamayanlarınkine göre daha yüksek eğitimli, daha yüksek gelirli ve daha az çocukludur. Anne/Babaların yararlandıkları kaynaklara ve tanılama sürecindeki bazı yaşantılarına ilişkin bulgulara göre, tüm anne/babaların en çok yararlandıkları rehberlik kaynağı çocuklarının sınıf öğretmenidir. Anne/Babaların yarısından çoğu (%54) sonucu BİLSEM resmi web sayfasından öğrenmiştir. Kayıt hakkı kazanan öğrencilerin anne/babalarının yarıya yakını (%46) tarafından sonucun öğrenilmesinden sonra çocuklarının ailede ve okulda davranış değişikliğine uğradıkları belirtilmiştir. Anne/Babaların rehberlik gereksinimlerine ilişkin bulgular, kayıt hakkı kazanan ve kazanamayan öğrencilerin akademik, sosyal, psikolojik/duygusal ve ailenin çocuğa sağladığı olanaklarla ilgili sorunlarının ve anne/babaların bunlara ilişkin rehberlik gereksinimlerinin oldukça düşük düzeyde olduğunu göstermiştir. Cinsiyet (anne/baba) ve çocuklarının kayıt hakkı kazanıp kazanamama durumunun anne/babaların rehberlik gereksinimlerine etkisini incelemek üzere yapılan 4 ayrı ANOVA sonucu, bu iki değişkenin anne/babaların çocuklarının akademik (F=.329, p>.05; F=.179, p>.05), sosyal (F=.287, p>.05; F=2.17, p>.05), psikolojik/duygusal (F=2.605, p>.05; F=3.238, p>.05) ve ailenin çocuğa sağladığı olanaklarla ilgili (F=.102, p>.05; F=.112, p>.05) sorunlarına ilişkin rehberlik gereksinimleri üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi olmadığını göstermiştir. Anne/Babaların çok büyük bir çoğunluğu (%86) ankette belirtilen sorunları ya hiç yaşamadığından (%51) ya da yaşadıkları halde kişisel tercihleri olarak (%35) okul PDR servislerinden yararlanmadıklarını bildirmiştir. Ayrıca, okulun dışındaki kaynaklardan rehberlik yardımı almak da anne/babalar arasında çok nadirdir. Hem okul PDR servisi hem de diğer uzmanlardan yardım alan anne/babalar bu yardımı yetersiz bulduklarını bildirmiştir.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the guidance needs and support sources of parents whose children are accepted or not accepted to Şanlıurfa Science and Art Center (BİLSEM) in identification process of gifted and talented children. With this purpose, a four parts (demographical data, data related to children, support sources, guidance needs and benefitting from guidance services) survey developed by the researcher was carried out to totaly 261 parents whose children are accepted (n=28) or not accepted (n=233) to BİLSEM. According to the socio-demographic findings, most of the participants composed of fathers (56%). More than half of the parents are in the rage of 36-45 ages. Nearly half of them have a degree of university (51%) and a quarter of the participants have degree of lycee (26%). The parents of children accepted to BİLSEM are more educated, they have higher income and have less children than parents of children not accepted to BİLSEM. In terms of the questions related to the benefitted sources and their experiences during the identification process, results indicated that the most benefitted guidance resource for all of the parents is the classroom teacher of their children. More than half of the parents (54%) learned the result via the official web site of BİLSEM. Approximitely half of the parents whose children are accepted to BİLSEM (46%), stated that their children were exposed to behavioral changes both in their families and at school. The findings related to the guidance needs of parents indicated that both the accepted and non accepted students' families reported very limited problems and guidance needs in terms of academic, social, pyschological/emotional topics, and the opportunities provided by the families. The result of four separate ANOVAs conducted to investigate the effects of parents'gender and children' acceptance status to BİLSEM revealed that these two variables do not have significant effects on guidance needs of parents in academic (F=.329, p>.05; F=.179, p>.05), social (F=.287, p>.05; F=2.17, p>.05), pyschologic/emotional (F=2.605, p>.05; F=3.238, p>.05), and opportunities (F=.102, p>.05; F=.112, p>.05) areas. The majority of parents (86%) stated that they did not benefit from counselling and guidance services, since they do not experience these problems (51%), or since they do not prefer to use these services, although they experince some problems (35%). Additionally, to get help from guidance sources outside of school is also very rare among parents. Parents profited from school counselling services or the services of other experts reported the assistance as unsufficient.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the guidance needs and support sources of parents whose children are accepted or not accepted to Şanlıurfa Science and Art Center (BİLSEM) in identification process of gifted and talented children. With this purpose, a four parts (demographical data, data related to children, support sources, guidance needs and benefitting from guidance services) survey developed by the researcher was carried out to totaly 261 parents whose children are accepted (n=28) or not accepted (n=233) to BİLSEM. According to the socio-demographic findings, most of the participants composed of fathers (56%). More than half of the parents are in the rage of 36-45 ages. Nearly half of them have a degree of university (51%) and a quarter of the participants have degree of lycee (26%). The parents of children accepted to BİLSEM are more educated, they have higher income and have less children than parents of children not accepted to BİLSEM. In terms of the questions related to the benefitted sources and their experiences during the identification process, results indicated that the most benefitted guidance resource for all of the parents is the classroom teacher of their children. More than half of the parents (54%) learned the result via the official web site of BİLSEM. Approximitely half of the parents whose children are accepted to BİLSEM (46%), stated that their children were exposed to behavioral changes both in their families and at school. The findings related to the guidance needs of parents indicated that both the accepted and non accepted students' families reported very limited problems and guidance needs in terms of academic, social, pyschological/emotional topics, and the opportunities provided by the families. The result of four separate ANOVAs conducted to investigate the effects of parents'gender and children' acceptance status to BİLSEM revealed that these two variables do not have significant effects on guidance needs of parents in academic (F=.329, p>.05; F=.179, p>.05), social (F=.287, p>.05; F=2.17, p>.05), pyschologic/emotional (F=2.605, p>.05; F=3.238, p>.05), and opportunities (F=.102, p>.05; F=.112, p>.05) areas. The majority of parents (86%) stated that they did not benefit from counselling and guidance services, since they do not experience these problems (51%), or since they do not prefer to use these services, although they experince some problems (35%). Additionally, to get help from guidance sources outside of school is also very rare among parents. Parents profited from school counselling services or the services of other experts reported the assistance as unsufficient.
BİLSEM, Özel yetenekli çocuklar, Anne-babalar, Science and art center (BİLSEM), Gifted and talented children, Parents
Belur, A. (2014). BİLSEM'e kayıt hakkı kazanan ve kazanamayan öğrencilerin anne/babalarının rehberlik gereksinimlerinin incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.