Endemik verbascum linearilobum türünde gibberellik asit ve potasyum nitrat’ın çimlenme ve canlılık üzerine etkisi
Ertem, Mine
Adak, Sait
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu araştırma, Ankara Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü bünyesinde bulunan Türkiye Tohum Gen Bankasında muhafaza edilen ‘Mersin Pamukluk Barajında’ su altında kalacak bitki örneği olan Sığır Kuyruğu Boluk olarak da bilinen endemik Verbascum linearilobum Hub.-Mor.’un uygun çimlenme koşulları ile canlı kalma yüzdesini tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Türkiye florasında bulunan bitki genetik kaynakları giderek azalmakta, yok olmakta ya da tehdit altında bulunmaktadır. Ülkemizde Verbascum, içerdiği tür sayısı bakımından en büyük cinslerden biridir. Ancak teşhis ve taksonomisinde sorunlar olan bu cinsin, çimlenme fizyolojisi üzerine yapılan araştırmaların da çok kısıtlı olduğu bilinmektedir. Verbascum linearilobum türü EN (tehlike altında) kategorisinde yer almaktadır. Bu türün korunmasında fizyolojik çalışmaların yapılması, populasyonun sürdürülebilirliği açısından büyük önem arz etmektedir. Türe ait tohumlar kullanılarak iklim odasında 25 °C sıcaklıkta, iki farklı ışık koşulu (aydınlık-karanlık ve karanlık) ile bitki büyüme düzenleyicilerden gibberellik asit (GA3) ve potasyum nitrat (KNO3) çözeltileriyle denemeler yapılmıştır. Çözeltilerin farklı derişimlerinde ve kontrol uygulamalarında; çimlenme yüzdesi (%), ortalama sürgün uzunluğu (cm), ortalama kök uzunluğu (cm) ve fide canlı yüzdesi (%) belirlenmiştir. Çimlendirme testlerinde farklı ortam ve bitki büyüme düzenleyicilerin kullanılması ile hem tür hakkında detaylı bilgiler elde edilerek alternatif yöntemler geliştirilmiş hem de tohum çimlenmesinde bir artış sağlanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, Verbascum linearilobum’da en yüksek toplam çimlenme yüzdesi % 85 oranında aydınlık-karanlık ortamda bulunan GA3’in 100 ppm derişiminden elde edilmiştir. En yüksek fide canlı yüzdesi de % 75 oranında aynı koşulda tespit edilmiştir.
This research was aimed to determine the survival percentage with appropriate germination conditions of endemic Verbascum linearilobum Hub.-Mor. also known as Cattle Tail Boluk, an example of a plant that will be inundated in Mersin Pamukluk Dam is conserved at Turkey Seed Gene Bank, Field Crops Central Research Institute Plant genetic resources in the flora of Turkey are gradually decreasing, disappearing or under threat. Verbascum is one of the largest genera in our country in terms of the number of species it contains. However, it is known that the studies on germination physiology of this genus, which has problems in its diagnosis and taxonomy, are very limited. Verbascum linearilobum species considered as EN (endangered) category. Physiological studies for the conservation of this species are of great importance in terms of the sustainability of the population. Using seeds belonging to the species, experiments were carried out with two different light conditions (light-dark and dark) at 25 °C temperature in the climate chamber, and plant growth regulators gibberellic acid (GA3) and potassium nitrate (KNO3) solutions. In different concentrations of solutions and control applications; germination percentage (%), average shoot length (cm), average root length (cm) and seedling viability percentage (%) were determined. By using different media and plant growth regulators in germination tests, detailed information about the species was obtained and alternative methods were developed and an increase in seed germination was achieved. As a result of the research, the highest total germination percentage in Verbascum linearilobum was obtained from 100 ppm concentration of GA3 in 85% light-dark environment. The highest seedling viability percentage was determined at the rate of 75% under the same condition.
This research was aimed to determine the survival percentage with appropriate germination conditions of endemic Verbascum linearilobum Hub.-Mor. also known as Cattle Tail Boluk, an example of a plant that will be inundated in Mersin Pamukluk Dam is conserved at Turkey Seed Gene Bank, Field Crops Central Research Institute Plant genetic resources in the flora of Turkey are gradually decreasing, disappearing or under threat. Verbascum is one of the largest genera in our country in terms of the number of species it contains. However, it is known that the studies on germination physiology of this genus, which has problems in its diagnosis and taxonomy, are very limited. Verbascum linearilobum species considered as EN (endangered) category. Physiological studies for the conservation of this species are of great importance in terms of the sustainability of the population. Using seeds belonging to the species, experiments were carried out with two different light conditions (light-dark and dark) at 25 °C temperature in the climate chamber, and plant growth regulators gibberellic acid (GA3) and potassium nitrate (KNO3) solutions. In different concentrations of solutions and control applications; germination percentage (%), average shoot length (cm), average root length (cm) and seedling viability percentage (%) were determined. By using different media and plant growth regulators in germination tests, detailed information about the species was obtained and alternative methods were developed and an increase in seed germination was achieved. As a result of the research, the highest total germination percentage in Verbascum linearilobum was obtained from 100 ppm concentration of GA3 in 85% light-dark environment. The highest seedling viability percentage was determined at the rate of 75% under the same condition.
Çimlenme, Endemik, GA3, KNO3, Verbascum linearilobum, Germination, Endemic
Ertem, M. ve Adak, S. (2022). "Endemik verbascum linearilobum türünde gibberellik asit ve potasyum nitrat’ın çimlenme ve canlılık üzerine etkisi". Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 36(1), 173-195.