Koca Sinan Paşa vakıfları: Kuruluş amaçları, işlevselliği ve istihdam yönünden analizi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Osmanlı Devleti’nde birçok hizmetin vakıflar yoluyla sunulduğu ve bu kurumların özellikle devletin ileri gelen yöneticileri tarafından kurulduğu bilinmektedir. Vezîr-i Âzam Koca Sinan Paşa, sahip olduğu servetinin büyük bir kısmını Osmanlı coğrafyasının farklı yerlerine yaptırmış olduğu hayır müesseseleri için vakfetmiştir. Söz konusu vakıflar için hazırladığı ve her biri yaklaşık 100’er sayfalık defter olan vakfiyelerinin içeriklerinden hareketle Sinan Paşa’nın; Şam, Kahire, Yenişehir, Malkara, İstanbul, Üsküp ve Kaçanik gibi şehirlere hayır kurumları kurduğu ve bunlar için oldukça yüklü miktarda menkul ve gayrimenkuller vakfettiği görülmektedir. Bu şehirlerde cami, zaviye, mescid gibi dini kurumlar, mektep, medrese gibi eğitim kurumları, ribat, imaret, han, hamam, sebil gibi sosyal hayata yönelik hayır kurumları yaptıran Sinan Paşa, bu kurumların nasıl çalışacağını, kimlerin nasıl istifade edeceğini vakfiyelerde açıklamıştır. Özellikle imaret için düzenlemiş olduğu vakfiyelerden hareketle, bu kurumlardan istifade etme şartları, imarette sunulan hizmetler hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak mümkündür.
It is known that in the Ottoman State many services were rendered by the foundations and these foundations were established particularly by the leading administrators of the state. The Grand Vizier Koca Sinan Pasha has spent a great portion of his wealth for the charitable institutions he founded on various locations of the Ottoman land. Having a look through the vakfiyes he had prepared for his foundations, each of which are books approximately a hundred pages long, it can be seen that Sinan Pasha has founded charitable institutions in cities like Damascus, Cairo, Yenişehir, Malkara, Istanbul and Kaçanik, and donated a great deal of movable and immovable wealth for these foundations. Sinan Pasha who in these cities established religious institutions like Mosques, dervish lodges, and prayer houses, educational institutions like schools and madrasas, and social charitable institutions like ribats, imarets, inns, baths and fountains explained in his vakfiyes how these foundations were to work an whom and how to benefit from them. Especially from his vakfiye for the imaret it is possible to get the specifics for the services rendered and conditions for benefiting from them.
It is known that in the Ottoman State many services were rendered by the foundations and these foundations were established particularly by the leading administrators of the state. The Grand Vizier Koca Sinan Pasha has spent a great portion of his wealth for the charitable institutions he founded on various locations of the Ottoman land. Having a look through the vakfiyes he had prepared for his foundations, each of which are books approximately a hundred pages long, it can be seen that Sinan Pasha has founded charitable institutions in cities like Damascus, Cairo, Yenişehir, Malkara, Istanbul and Kaçanik, and donated a great deal of movable and immovable wealth for these foundations. Sinan Pasha who in these cities established religious institutions like Mosques, dervish lodges, and prayer houses, educational institutions like schools and madrasas, and social charitable institutions like ribats, imarets, inns, baths and fountains explained in his vakfiyes how these foundations were to work an whom and how to benefit from them. Especially from his vakfiye for the imaret it is possible to get the specifics for the services rendered and conditions for benefiting from them.
Makalenin bir bölümü 1-4 Eylül 2016 tarihlerinde İtalya’nın Roma şehrinde düzenlenen XI. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences’da sunulmuştur.
Koca Sinan Paşa, Vakıf, Külliye, İstihdam, Hayırseverlik, Koca Sinan Pasha, Foundation, Social complex [külliye], Employment, Charity
Öcalan, H.B. (2018). “Koca Sinan Paşa vakıfları: Kuruluş amaçları, işlevselliği ve istihdam yönünden analizi”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 19(35), 723-741.