İlhan’ın meşruiyeti: Abaka Han’ın tahta çıkışı ve Kubilay Kağan tarafından tasdiki meselesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Moğol İmparatorluğu’nun batı topraklarını yönetmek ve Cengizli hâkimiyetini daha ileri mevkilere taşımak üzere Yakındoğu’ya gönderilen Hülegü tarafından kurulan İlhanlı Devleti, takriben yarım asır müddetle Moğol kağanlık merkezine tâbi şekilde hüküm sürmüştür. Doğrudan kağana bağlı olan ilk İlhanlı hükümdarları, Moğol idare geleneğinin gerektirdiği şekilde, ilhanlıklarının kağan tarafından tasdik ve tevcih edilmesine büyük önem vermişler, hatta bu kaideyi meşruiyet alâmeti telakki etmişlerdir. Hülegü’nün ölümünün ardından tahta çıkan Abaka’nın ilhanlığı, dönemin Moğol İmparatoru Kubilay Kağan tarafından, cülusundan yaklaşık beş yıl sonra tasdik edilmiştir. Yakındoğu coğrafyasında Moğollar açısından mühim siyasi gelişmelerin meydana geldiği bir sırada yaşanan bu gecikmenin tesadüfi olmadığı aşikâr olmakla birlikte, bu meselenin sebepleri hususunda tatmin edici izahlar yapılmış değildir. Bu çalışmada İran merkezli Moğol şube devletinin kuruluşu ve ilhanlık müessesesi kısaca ele alınmış, Abaka Han’ın tahta çıkışı ile Kubilay Kağan tarafından tasdiki arasında gelişen süreç incelenmiş, bu kapsamda söz konusu tevcihin gecikmesinde etkili olan faktörler tahlil edilmiştir.
The Ilkhanid State, founded by Hülegü, who was sent to the Near East to rule western lands of the Mongol Empire and to move Chinggisid domination to further places, reign overed for about half a century as subordinate to the center of Mongol Khaganate. The first Ilkhanid rulers, were directly subordinate to the khagan, attached great importance to affirmation and conferring of their ilkhanates by the khagan as required by Mongolian administrative custom; they moreover regarded this statute as a sign of legitimacy. Ilkhanate of Abaqa, ascended the throne after Hülegü’s death, affirmed by contemporary Mongol Emperor Kublai Khagan, approximately five years after his enthronement. While it is explicit that this latency, which occurred at the time when significant political developments happened in the Near East for the Mongols, is not incidental, satisfying explanations have not been made on the reasons for the issue. This study shortly discusses the establishment of the Iran-based substation-state and ilkhanate institution, examines the process between Abaqa Khan’s enthronement and his affirmation as an ilkhan by Kublai Khagan, and analyzes the factors affecting the conferring mentioned above in this context.
The Ilkhanid State, founded by Hülegü, who was sent to the Near East to rule western lands of the Mongol Empire and to move Chinggisid domination to further places, reign overed for about half a century as subordinate to the center of Mongol Khaganate. The first Ilkhanid rulers, were directly subordinate to the khagan, attached great importance to affirmation and conferring of their ilkhanates by the khagan as required by Mongolian administrative custom; they moreover regarded this statute as a sign of legitimacy. Ilkhanate of Abaqa, ascended the throne after Hülegü’s death, affirmed by contemporary Mongol Emperor Kublai Khagan, approximately five years after his enthronement. While it is explicit that this latency, which occurred at the time when significant political developments happened in the Near East for the Mongols, is not incidental, satisfying explanations have not been made on the reasons for the issue. This study shortly discusses the establishment of the Iran-based substation-state and ilkhanate institution, examines the process between Abaqa Khan’s enthronement and his affirmation as an ilkhan by Kublai Khagan, and analyzes the factors affecting the conferring mentioned above in this context.
Moğol İmparatorluğu, İlhanlılar, Abaka, Kubilay, İlhan, Great Mongol Empire, Ilkhanids, Abaqa, Kublai, Il-khan
Karaaslan, Y. Z. (2021). "İlhan’ın meşruiyeti: Abaka Han’ın tahta çıkışı ve Kubilay Kağan tarafından tasdiki meselesi". Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 22(41), 1179-1209.