Untersuchungen zur subarachnoidalen thorakolumbalen Anästhesie mit Detomidin beim Pferd

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Hippiatrika Verlag


In this study the effect of subarachnoid applicated Detomidine and local infiltration anaesthesia in the flank for laparoscopic ovariectomy was compared in 20 Turkish native mores. In a total of seven mores (group 1) 30 mug/kg and 40 mug/kg Detomidine was administered by a catheter, pieced with a Huber point Touhy cannula through the lumbosacral space, and pushed forward to the thoraco-lumbar region. The other 13 mores (group 2-control) were sedated and then infiltration anaesthesia in the flank was performed with 20-30 ml 2 % Mepivacain. In both groups physiologic parameters and blood values were measured before and during anaesthesia (15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120 and 150 minutes). The results of this study showed that a dose of 30 mug/kg subarachnoid applied Detomidine induces no anaesthesia and that a dose of 40 mug/kg has a certain anaesthetic effect but is not sufficient for a surgical intervention. The anaesthetic effect of locally infiltrated Mepivacain in the region of incision and in the suspensory ligaments of the ovaries is sufficient to remove the ovaries and no pain during operation was observed.



Detomidine, Infiltration anaesthesia, Mare, Ovariectomy, Subarachnoid anaesthesia, Epidurally administered Xylazine, Hydrochloride solution, Analgesia, Mares


Seyrek, İ. D. vd. (2001). "Untersuchungen zur subarachnoidalen thorakolumbalen Anästhesie mit Detomidin beim Pferd". Pferdeheilkunde, 17(3),220-224.