Genç ani kardiyak ölümlerde adli tıbbi boyut: Bir olgu sunumu
Baduroğlu, Erol
Saka, N.Esra
Aslanhan, Naciye
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu olgu çalışmasında amaç, futbol oynarken ölen on altı yaşında askeri lise öğrencisini medikolegal açıdan tartışmaktı. Olgumuz topun göğsüne çarpması sonrası fenalaşarak yere yığılmıştır. Götürüldüğü hastanede öldüğü saptanmıştır. Otopsisinde, miyokard kesitlerinde sol ventrikül duvarında sedefi beyaz renk değişiklikleri, septumda hiperemi izlendi. Kalbin histopatolojik incelenmesinde; adale kesitlerinde sol ventrikülde olgun bağ dokusundan oluşmuş nedbe alanları ve septumda koagülasyon nekrozu saptandı. Ölüm nedeni, miyokard infarktüsü olarak rapor edildi. Genç yaşta ani kardiyak ölümlerde önlenebilir nedenlere karşı tedbirlerin alınması ve sağlık taramalarının önemi ile birlikte bu olgularda adli tıbbi açıdan yapılması gereken incelemelerin hekimlik, bilirkişilik sınırları, adli tahkikat açısından tartışılması gerekmektedir.
In this case study, the objective was to discuss the medicolegal aspects of a 16 years old high school cadet’s death while playing soccer in the field. Our case has collapsed unconsciously after the ball has struck him hard just on the chest. He was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. His autopsy has revealed mealy white colour changes on the left ventricle and hyperemia in the septum at the myocardial slides. The cardiac histopathology examination revealed scarring formed by the mature connective tissue in the muscle and coagulation necrosis. His cause of death reported as myocardial infarction. Along with, taking precautionary measures against preventable cardiac deaths at early ages and the significance of full medical exam, in these cases also medical staff involvement and boundaries in the investigations that need to be fulfilled by authorised forensic experts, should be discussed in regards of medicolegal investigation.
In this case study, the objective was to discuss the medicolegal aspects of a 16 years old high school cadet’s death while playing soccer in the field. Our case has collapsed unconsciously after the ball has struck him hard just on the chest. He was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. His autopsy has revealed mealy white colour changes on the left ventricle and hyperemia in the septum at the myocardial slides. The cardiac histopathology examination revealed scarring formed by the mature connective tissue in the muscle and coagulation necrosis. His cause of death reported as myocardial infarction. Along with, taking precautionary measures against preventable cardiac deaths at early ages and the significance of full medical exam, in these cases also medical staff involvement and boundaries in the investigations that need to be fulfilled by authorised forensic experts, should be discussed in regards of medicolegal investigation.
9. Adli Bilimler Sempozyumu'nda (28-30 Nisan 2011,Trabzon) sunulmuştur.
Ani ölüm, Miyokard infarktüsü, Genç yaş, Sudden death, Myocardial infarction, Early age
Fedakar, R. vd. (2012). "Genç ani kardiyak ölümlerde adli tıbbi boyut: bir olgu sunumu". Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(3), 201-205.