Munchausen by proxy sendromu: Olgu sunumu
Uytun, Salih
Uytun, Merve Çıkılı
Altuner Torun, Yasemin
Ergül, Ayşe Betül
Altınel Açoğlu, Esma
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Munchausen by Proxy sendromu (MPS) hastalık semptomlarının ebeveyn tarafından oluşturulduğu bir istismar tipidir. Hastalığın dirençli olması, kliniğin net olmaması gibi nedenlerden dolayı çoğu kez gözden kaçabilmektedir. Çocuklarda nadir görülen bir hastalık olmasına rağmen ciddi sağlık sorunlarına neden olabileceği unutulmamalıdır. Bir yaş bir aylık erkek hasta, ishal ve kusma şikayeti ile acil servisimize başvurdu. Yapılan tetkiklerin normal olması ve yatışı sırasında şikayetleri olmayan hastanın daha önce de değişik şikayetlerle birçok kez yatış öyküsünün bulunması nedeniyle, hastada MPS düşünülerek hasta takibe alındı. Hastanın daha sonra gaitada kan görülmesi şikayeti ile yatışı yapıldı. Annenin çocuğun makatında termometreyle kanama oluşturmaya çalışmasının gözlenmesi üzerine hastaya MPS tanısı konularak sosyal hizmetlere bildirildi ve anne, değerlendirilmek üzere psikiyatriye yönlendirildi. Tekrarlayan hastaneye yatışlarda, etiyolojik bir nedenin bulunmadığı yakınmalar varlığında özellikle bu sendrom düşünülmeli ve ayırıcı tanıda göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Bu çocuklar failleri tarafından birçok kez hastaneye getirilerek istismar edildikleri için hastane personelinin bu tanıyı düşünmeleri açısından dikkatli olmaları gerekmektedir.
Munchhausen by Proxy syndrome (MPS) is a disorder that disease symptoms created by a parent is type of abuse. Because of disease is resistant, and clinic is not clear, clinicians can often overlooked. It should not be forgotten that although MPS is a rare disease, it can cause serious health problems. One year 1 monthold male patient was admitted to our emergency department with complaints of diarrhea and vomiting. The tests were normal and the patient had no complaints during hospitalization and he have had hospitalization story many times before, due to the presence of different symptoms, patient have been followed with MPS in mind. Then, the patient admitted to hospital with complaints of blood in stool. The determination of the mother to create of the child anus bleeding with thermometer, have been diagnosed with MPS, reported to social services and parents was referred for psychiatric assessment. Repeated hospitalizations, especially in the presence of symptoms the absence of an etiologic cause, this syndrome should be considered in the differential diagnosis. Because children that are abused by an MPS perpetrator are likely to be hospitalized multiple times, it is important for the health staff to pay attention diagnose of this abuse.
Munchhausen by Proxy syndrome (MPS) is a disorder that disease symptoms created by a parent is type of abuse. Because of disease is resistant, and clinic is not clear, clinicians can often overlooked. It should not be forgotten that although MPS is a rare disease, it can cause serious health problems. One year 1 monthold male patient was admitted to our emergency department with complaints of diarrhea and vomiting. The tests were normal and the patient had no complaints during hospitalization and he have had hospitalization story many times before, due to the presence of different symptoms, patient have been followed with MPS in mind. Then, the patient admitted to hospital with complaints of blood in stool. The determination of the mother to create of the child anus bleeding with thermometer, have been diagnosed with MPS, reported to social services and parents was referred for psychiatric assessment. Repeated hospitalizations, especially in the presence of symptoms the absence of an etiologic cause, this syndrome should be considered in the differential diagnosis. Because children that are abused by an MPS perpetrator are likely to be hospitalized multiple times, it is important for the health staff to pay attention diagnose of this abuse.
Munchausen by proxy, Çocukluk çağı, İstismar, Childhood, Abuse
Uytun, S. vd. (2015). "Munchausen by proxy sendromu: Olgu sunumu". Güncel Pediatri, 13(1), 60-62.