Suriye’den Türkiye’ye kaçan bir ailenin gündelik yaşamı: Gaziantep’te bir sözlü tarih çalışması
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
2011 yılı başlarında Suriye'de çıkan savaş ortamına iki yıl Halep'te ve yaklaşık bir buçuk ay Halep yakınındaki Çobanbey adlı köyde maruz kalan dört kişilik Yusuf ailesi, Mart 2014 tarihinde Gaziantep'e kaçmak zorunda kalmıştır. Yusuf ailesi Gaziantep'e sığındıktan üç ay sonra yabancı tanıtma belgesi alabilmiştir. Aile üyelerinden sadece 48 yaşındaki Talal çalışmaktadır. Talal, bir vakıf üniversitesinde öğretim üyesi olarak çalışarak ailesinin geçimini sağlamaktadır. Çalışmada, Yusuf ailesinin savaş ortamında ve mülteciliğin etkisinde değişen gündelik yaşamı ele alınmaktadır. Araştırmada, büyük ölçüde sözlü tarih tekniği kullanılarak elde edilen birincil görgül veriler kullanılmaktadır. Araştırma kapsamında elde edilen görgül veriler, Goffman'ın damga kavramı, gündelik yaşam sosyolojisi ve Merton'ın işlevselcilik yaklaşımı ile anlaşılır kılınmaya çalışılmaktadır. Çalışmada birinci olarak, Suriye'deki çatışma ve savaş ortamından kaçarak Türkiye'ye sığınan Suriyeli mağdurların Türkiye'deki toplumsal ve hukuki konumları kısaca tartışılmaktadır. İkinci olarak, Yusuf ailesinin gündelik yaşamının Suriye'deki savaş ortamından ve Türkiye'deki mülteci konumundan nasıl etkilendiği karşılaştırılarak verilmeye çalışılmaktadır.
The Yusuf family, family of four, who were exposed to the Syrian War that outbroke in early 2011, had to flee to Gaziantep in March 2014. They were exposed to the war for two years in Aleppo, and approximately one and a half month in Çobanbey, which is a village near Aleppo. The Yusuf family was able to obtain a foreign recognition certificate three months after they took refuge in Gaziantep. Among family members, only 48-year-old Talal is working. Talal makes a living for his family by working as a lecturer at a private university. In this study, daily life of the Yusuf family that changes under the influence of war and refuge is examined. In this research, primary empirical data that was obtained by oral history technique was mostly used. The empirical data obtained within the scope of the research is aimed to be clarified by Goffman's concept of social stigma, sociology of everyday life, and Merton's functionalism approach. In this study, firstly, social and legal status of Syrian victims in Turkey, who escaped from conflict and war in Syria and have sought refuge in Turkey are briefly discussed. Secondly, the way daily life of the Yusuf family is being affected by the Syrian War and refugee status in Turkey is aimed to be compared and discussed.
The Yusuf family, family of four, who were exposed to the Syrian War that outbroke in early 2011, had to flee to Gaziantep in March 2014. They were exposed to the war for two years in Aleppo, and approximately one and a half month in Çobanbey, which is a village near Aleppo. The Yusuf family was able to obtain a foreign recognition certificate three months after they took refuge in Gaziantep. Among family members, only 48-year-old Talal is working. Talal makes a living for his family by working as a lecturer at a private university. In this study, daily life of the Yusuf family that changes under the influence of war and refuge is examined. In this research, primary empirical data that was obtained by oral history technique was mostly used. The empirical data obtained within the scope of the research is aimed to be clarified by Goffman's concept of social stigma, sociology of everyday life, and Merton's functionalism approach. In this study, firstly, social and legal status of Syrian victims in Turkey, who escaped from conflict and war in Syria and have sought refuge in Turkey are briefly discussed. Secondly, the way daily life of the Yusuf family is being affected by the Syrian War and refugee status in Turkey is aimed to be compared and discussed.
Gündelik yaşam, Mağduriyet, Mülteci aile, İşlev, Uyum, Daily life, Victimization, Refugee family, Function, Adjustment
Dervişoğlu, S. (2019). "Suriye’den Türkiye’ye kaçan bir ailenin gündelik yaşamı: Gaziantep’te bir sözlü tarih çalışması". International Journal of Social Inquiry, 12(1), 99-124.