Pediatrik çölyak hastalarında homosistein, vitamin B12 ve folik asit düzeyleri
Şanlı, Dilek Beker
Aliyazıcıoğlu, Yüksel
Kalaycı, Ayhan Gazi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Giriş: Bu çalışmada amacımız çölyak hastalarında malabsorbsiyon nedeni ile gastrointestinal sistemden vitamin B12 ve folik asit emilimlerinin bozulmasının serum homosistein düzeyleri üzerine etkisini araştırmak. Gereç ve Yöntem: Yaşları 2-17 arasında değişmekte olan 32 tedavi öncesi çölyak hastası, 14 tedavi sonrası çölyak olgusu ve 30 sağlıklı kontrolde homosistein düzeyleri araştırıldı. Tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrası hasta grubunda ayrıca plazma vitamin B12 ve folik asit düzeyleri bakıldı. Bulgular: Homosistein için aritmetik ortalama±SD; tedavi öncesi hasta grubunda 22,87±1,69 µmol/L, tedavi sonrası hasta grubunda 17,31±1,94 µmol/L ve kontrol grubunda 15,21±1,69 µmol /L olarak belirlendi. Folik asit için ortalama±SD; tedavi öncesi hasta grubunda 7,04±0,74 ng/ml, tedavi sonrası hasta grubunda 12,95±1,9 ng/ml olarak bulundu. Folik asit ve homosistein için tedavi öncesi hasta grubu ile tedavi sonrası hasta grubu arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p<0,05). Vitamin B12 için ortalama±SD; tedavi öncesi hasta grubunda 433,31±70,91 pg/ml, tedavi sonrası hasta grubunda 400,33±78,36 pg/ml olarak bulundu. İstatistiksel olarak iki grup arasında anlamlı bir fark saptanmadı (p>0,05). Sonuç: Araştırmamızda tedavi öncesi çölyak hastalarında homosistein düzeyleri tedavi sonrası ve kontrol grubundan yüksek bulundu. Bu çalışmada gruplar arasında folik asit düzeyleri açısından anlamlı fark bulunması, folik asit düzeylerinin homosistein konsantrasyonlarındaki artışla daha fazla ilişkili olabileceğini göstermektedir.
Introduction: Our aim in this study was to investigate effects of vitamin B12 and folic acid malabsorption to homocysteine levels in celiac patients. Materials and Methods: Between 2-17 years of ages 32 celiac patients before treatment, 14 celiac patient in remission and 30 healthy controls involved in this study. Homocystein levels were evaluated in all groups. In addition plasma levels of vitamin B12 and folic acid determined in celiac and remission groups. Results: Homocysteine levels as arithmetic mean±SD found 22.8±1.69 µmol/L in celiac group, 17.31±1.94 µmol/L in remission group and 15.21±1.69 µmol/L in control group. Folic acid levels as arithmetic mean±SD found 7.04±0.74 ng/ ml in celiac patients and 12.95±1.9 ng/ml in remission group. There is statistically significant difference between folic acid and homocysteine levels of two groups (p<0.05). Vitamin B12 levels as arithmetic mean±SD found 433.31±70.91 pg/ml in celiac patients and 400.33±78.36 pg/ml in remission group. Difference between two groups is not statistically significant (p>0.05). Conclusions: In our study homocysteine levels were found to be higher in celiac group than remission group. In this study, difference in folic acid levels between two groups may show that changes in folic acid levels related to changes in homocysteine levels.
Introduction: Our aim in this study was to investigate effects of vitamin B12 and folic acid malabsorption to homocysteine levels in celiac patients. Materials and Methods: Between 2-17 years of ages 32 celiac patients before treatment, 14 celiac patient in remission and 30 healthy controls involved in this study. Homocystein levels were evaluated in all groups. In addition plasma levels of vitamin B12 and folic acid determined in celiac and remission groups. Results: Homocysteine levels as arithmetic mean±SD found 22.8±1.69 µmol/L in celiac group, 17.31±1.94 µmol/L in remission group and 15.21±1.69 µmol/L in control group. Folic acid levels as arithmetic mean±SD found 7.04±0.74 ng/ ml in celiac patients and 12.95±1.9 ng/ml in remission group. There is statistically significant difference between folic acid and homocysteine levels of two groups (p<0.05). Vitamin B12 levels as arithmetic mean±SD found 433.31±70.91 pg/ml in celiac patients and 400.33±78.36 pg/ml in remission group. Difference between two groups is not statistically significant (p>0.05). Conclusions: In our study homocysteine levels were found to be higher in celiac group than remission group. In this study, difference in folic acid levels between two groups may show that changes in folic acid levels related to changes in homocysteine levels.
Çölyak hastalığı, Homosistein, Vitamin B12, Folik asit, Celiac disease, Homocysteine, Folic acid
Şanlı, D. B. vd. (2015). "Pediatrik çölyak hastalarında homosistein, vitamin B12 ve folik asit düzeyleri". Güncel Pediatri, 13(1), 1-6.