İbn Haldun’un felsefe-din ilişkisine bakışı
Öktem, Ülker
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
İbn Haldun, bilindiği üzere, 14.yüzyılda yaşamış, Mukaddime’siyle ünlenmiş bir tarihçi, bir tarih teorisyeni, siyaset ve devlet felsefecisi, filozof ve sosyologtur. Bu makalede, İbn Haldun’un felsefe-din ilişkisine yaklaşımı söz konusu edilecek, onun bu ilişkiyi nasıl gördüğü, bu ilişkideki sorunlara getirdiği çözümü, bu çözümün özellikleri, daha önceki çözümlerle benzerliği ve farklılığı kısaca ortaya konmaya çalışılacaktır. Bu yapılırken de, öncelikle, onun, felsefenin ne olduğu, ne olmadığına ilişkin görüşü, Kelam ve Tasavvuf gibi nakli ilimlerin niçin felsefi olamayacaklarına yönelik argümanları ele alınıp değerlendirilecektir.
As it is widely known, Ibn Khaldun, who lived in the fourteenth century and who became well-known for his work The Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun or Ibn Khaldun’s Prolegomena, is a historiographer, a theoretician of history, a philosopher of politics and state, a man of thought and a sociologist. The article deals with Ibn Khaldun's approach to the relationship between philosophy and religion, his personal evaluation and the solutions he offers for the existing problems of the relationship in question and the peculiar aspects of the solutions offered. A further aim of the study is to briefly compare and contrast the similarities and differences of his solutions with those which had been previously offered. The way to achieve the objectives of the present research will be, first of all, to scrutinize Ibn Khaldun's philosophical views and then to point out why he does consider such studies based on interpretation as the word of the Islamic Scripture and Islamic sufism to be inferior to philosophical studies.
As it is widely known, Ibn Khaldun, who lived in the fourteenth century and who became well-known for his work The Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun or Ibn Khaldun’s Prolegomena, is a historiographer, a theoretician of history, a philosopher of politics and state, a man of thought and a sociologist. The article deals with Ibn Khaldun's approach to the relationship between philosophy and religion, his personal evaluation and the solutions he offers for the existing problems of the relationship in question and the peculiar aspects of the solutions offered. A further aim of the study is to briefly compare and contrast the similarities and differences of his solutions with those which had been previously offered. The way to achieve the objectives of the present research will be, first of all, to scrutinize Ibn Khaldun's philosophical views and then to point out why he does consider such studies based on interpretation as the word of the Islamic Scripture and Islamic sufism to be inferior to philosophical studies.
İbn Haldun, Mukaddime, Felsefe, Din, Felsefe-din arasındaki ilişki, Ibn Khaldun, The Muqaddimah, Philosophy, Religion, Relationship between philosophy and religion
Öktem, Ü. (2014). "İbn Haldun’un felsefe-din ilişkisine bakışı". Kaygı. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi, 22, 65-74.