Adölesan dönemi beslenme ve sorunları
Köseoğlu, Sabiha Zeynep Aydenk
Tayfur, Aslı Çelebi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çocukluktan erişkinliğe geçiş dönemi olarak bilinen ergenlik dönemi; fiziksel, psikolojik ve sosyal olgunluğa erişmenin tamamlandığı bir dönemdir. Büyüme ve gelişme, adölesanlarda hızlanma gösterir ve bu dönemin sonunda erişkin hayattaki antropometrik ölçüm değerlerine ulaşılır. Adölesan dönemde büyüme ve gelişmenin hızlanması bu dönemdeki beslenme gereksinimlerini etkiler. Günlük kalorinin %10-15’i yüksek kaliteli proteinlerden, %30-35’i yağlardan ve %50-60’ı karbonhidratlardan sağlanmalıdır. Kalori artışı ile birlikte bu dönemde; protein, vitamin ve mineral gereksinimlerinde de artış vardır. Vücut büyüme ve gelişmesine paralel olarak A vitamini ve vücut dokusunun gelişmesinde rol oynayan folik asit ve B12 vitamini gereksinimi de artar. Ayrıca iskelet gelişmesinde yeterli düzeyde D vitamini alımı da gerekmektedir. Kan hacminin artmasında ve iskelet gelişiminde önemli görevi olan demir ihtiyacı artar. İlaveten C vitamininden yüksek gıdalar da demirin vücut tarafından kullanımını arttırır. Çinko büyüme, boy uzaması ve seksüel gelişim için gerekli olan bir mineraldir. Besin gruplarından olan; Et Grubundan; demir, çinko, fosfor, magnezyum, A, B1, B6 ve B12 vitaminleri, Süt Grubundan; protein, kalsiyum, fosfor, B2 ve B12 vitaminleri, Ekmek ve Tahıl grubundan; B1 ve E vitaminleri ve posa, Sebze ve Meyve Grubundan; folik asit, beta karoten, B2 ve C vitaminleri, kalsiyum, potasyum, demir, magnezyum, posa gibi büyüme ve gelişmede, hücre yenilenmesinde, doku onarımında, görme işlevinde, kan yapımında görev alan ve bağışıklık sisteminde etkili nutrientler sağlanır. Adölesan dönemde beslenmeye bağlı sağlık sorunları arasında; obezite, demir eksikliği anemileri, B12 vitamini eksikliği anemileri, çinko eksikliği ve büyüme-gelişmede gerilik, anoreksiya nervoza, bulimiya nervoza, diş çürükleri, akne vulgaris, depresyon gibi yaşamın bütün dönemlerini etkileyebilecek sorunlar yer alır.
Adolescence which is accepted as a transition from childhood to adulthood is a period of physical, psychological and social maturation. Growth and development shows an acceleration and adult anthropometric measurement values are reached at the end of this period. The pace of growth and development affects nutrition requirements in this period. Daily calorie intake should consist of 10-15% from high quality proteins, 30-35% from fats and 50-60% from carbohydrates. Besides the increasing calorie intake, there is an increase in protein, iron, vitamin B requirements in this period. Vitamin A requirement increases collaterally with growth and development of the body. The requirement of folic acid and vitamin B12 which plays a role in the development of the body tissue increases. Moreover a sufficient amount of vitamin D intake which support skeletal development is required. Iron requirement which has a significant role in skeletal development and an increase in blood volume rises. In addition, foods that are rich in vitamin C increase the absorption of iron by the body. Zinc is a mineral that is necessary for growth and sexual development. The nutrients effective on immune system and help with growth and development, cell regeneration, tissue repairment, vision, and blood production such as iron, zinc, phosphorous, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 are obtained from Meat Group; protein, calcium, phosphorous, vitamin B2, and vitamin B12 from Dairy Group; vitamin E, vitamin B, and fiber from Grains Group; folic acid, beta carotene, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and fiber from Vegetable and Fruit Group. Among the health problems which are related to nutrition during adolescence and also can effect all life periods are obesity, anemia due to iron and vitamin B12 deficiency, zinc deficiency, growth and development retardation, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, dental caries, acne vulgaris and depression.
Adolescence which is accepted as a transition from childhood to adulthood is a period of physical, psychological and social maturation. Growth and development shows an acceleration and adult anthropometric measurement values are reached at the end of this period. The pace of growth and development affects nutrition requirements in this period. Daily calorie intake should consist of 10-15% from high quality proteins, 30-35% from fats and 50-60% from carbohydrates. Besides the increasing calorie intake, there is an increase in protein, iron, vitamin B requirements in this period. Vitamin A requirement increases collaterally with growth and development of the body. The requirement of folic acid and vitamin B12 which plays a role in the development of the body tissue increases. Moreover a sufficient amount of vitamin D intake which support skeletal development is required. Iron requirement which has a significant role in skeletal development and an increase in blood volume rises. In addition, foods that are rich in vitamin C increase the absorption of iron by the body. Zinc is a mineral that is necessary for growth and sexual development. The nutrients effective on immune system and help with growth and development, cell regeneration, tissue repairment, vision, and blood production such as iron, zinc, phosphorous, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 are obtained from Meat Group; protein, calcium, phosphorous, vitamin B2, and vitamin B12 from Dairy Group; vitamin E, vitamin B, and fiber from Grains Group; folic acid, beta carotene, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and fiber from Vegetable and Fruit Group. Among the health problems which are related to nutrition during adolescence and also can effect all life periods are obesity, anemia due to iron and vitamin B12 deficiency, zinc deficiency, growth and development retardation, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, dental caries, acne vulgaris and depression.
Adölesan, Kalori, Büyüme ve gelişme, Sağlık sorunu, Adolescence, Calorie, Growth and development, Vitamin, Mineral, Health problems
Köseoğlu, S. Z. A. ve Tayfur, A. Ç. (2017). "Adölesan dönemi beslenme ve sorunları". Güncel Pediatri, 15(2), 50-62.