Prolaktinomalı olgularda medikal ve cerrahi tedavinin retrospektif karşılaştırılması
Gül, Özen Öz
Cander, Soner
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Prolaktinomalı hastaların tedavisi sıklıkla sadece medikal olmakla birlikte cerrahi tedavi veya nadiren radyoterapi de seçilmiş olgularda uygulanabilen tedavi şekillerindendir. Bölgesel bir referans merkezi olan kliniğimize başvuran prolaktinoma olgularının tedavi sonuçlarını retrospektif olarak değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Değerlendirmeye alınan 170 olguya uygulanan tedavi şekilleri, başarı oranları ve uzun dönem sonuçları irdelendi. Olguların %37,6 sına cerrahi tedavi uygulanmış idi. Mikroadenomlu hastalarda operasyon oranı %8,8, makroadenomlarda ise bu oran %87,9 idi. Sadece medikal tedavi ile prolaktin seviyeleri %95,3 oranında kontrol altına alınırken, cerrahi tedavi sonrası bu oran %28,6 idi. Mikroadenomlu hastalarda cerrahi ile başarı oranı %66,7, makroadenomlularda ise bu oran %21,6 idi. Cerrahi tedavi sonrası kontrol altına alınamayan olgularda uygulanan medikal tedavi sonrası tedaviye yanıt oranı %95,6 idi. Prolaktinoma serimizin literatürde yayınlanan prolaktinoma serilerinden temel farklılıkları operasyon yüzdesinin yüksekliği ve operasyon ile elde edilen başarılı sonuç oranının düşüklüğüdür. Serimizde özellikle makroadenomu olan prolaktinomalı hastaların cerrahi tedavi yaklaşımı ile tedavi edildikleri saptandı. Bu bulgularla prolaktinomalı hastaların tedavisine bu konuda çalışan farklı branşlardaki uzmanların koordineli çalışmaları ile ortak karar vermeleri gerektiği ve günlük pratikte bu hastalarla karşılaşma olasılığı olan tüm hekimlerin prolaktinoma tedavi yaklaşımları konusundaki bilgilerinin güncellenmesi gerektiği sonucuna varıldı.
Although medical therapy is the most commonly applied therapy for prolactinomas, occasionally surgical therapy or radiotherapy can be performed in selected patients. We aimed to evaluate retrospectively the results of the management of prolactinoma patients examined in our reference center. One-hundred seventy patients were evaluated for the treatment modalities in terms of type and success rate. Thirty-seven percent of patients were undertaken surgical therapy. Operation ratio was 8,8 %in patients with microadenoma while this ratio was 87,9 %in macroadenoma patients. In patients that were treated only with dopamin agonist medical therapy, normalisation of serum prolactin levels was achieved in 95,3 %of patients. Normalization of serum prolactin levels after surgery was 29%of patients which were undertaken surgery. Success rate after surgery was 66,7 %in patients that had microadenoma and, 21,6 %in patients with macroadenoma. In patients that normalization of serum prolactin levels after surgery was not achieved, the success rate of medical therapy after surgery was 95,6%. Our results significantly differs from the series in the literature in terms of high operation rate and low success rate by surgical treatment. It is stated that, in our series themanagement of prolactinoma was judged in priority with surgical therapy especially in patients with macroadenoma. It is concluded that management of patients with prolactinoma should be decided by the multidisciplinary approach and physicians encountering with these patients should be updated about the contemporary treatment modalities.
Although medical therapy is the most commonly applied therapy for prolactinomas, occasionally surgical therapy or radiotherapy can be performed in selected patients. We aimed to evaluate retrospectively the results of the management of prolactinoma patients examined in our reference center. One-hundred seventy patients were evaluated for the treatment modalities in terms of type and success rate. Thirty-seven percent of patients were undertaken surgical therapy. Operation ratio was 8,8 %in patients with microadenoma while this ratio was 87,9 %in macroadenoma patients. In patients that were treated only with dopamin agonist medical therapy, normalisation of serum prolactin levels was achieved in 95,3 %of patients. Normalization of serum prolactin levels after surgery was 29%of patients which were undertaken surgery. Success rate after surgery was 66,7 %in patients that had microadenoma and, 21,6 %in patients with macroadenoma. In patients that normalization of serum prolactin levels after surgery was not achieved, the success rate of medical therapy after surgery was 95,6%. Our results significantly differs from the series in the literature in terms of high operation rate and low success rate by surgical treatment. It is stated that, in our series themanagement of prolactinoma was judged in priority with surgical therapy especially in patients with macroadenoma. It is concluded that management of patients with prolactinoma should be decided by the multidisciplinary approach and physicians encountering with these patients should be updated about the contemporary treatment modalities.
Prolaktinoma, Pitüiter adenom, Cerrahi, Dopamin agonisti, Prolactinoma, Pituitary adenoma, Surgery, Dopamine agonist
Ertürk, E. vd. (2012). "Prolaktinomalı olgularda medikal ve cerrahi tedavinin retrospektif karşılaştırılması". Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(1), 29-33.