Kemik destruksiyonu ile karşımıza çıkan soliter diffüz nörofibrom
Aydın, Hasan Emre
Özbek, Zühtü
Arık, Deniz
Vural, Murat
Coşan, Tevfik Erhan
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Nörofibromlar ve schwannomlar, schwann hücreleri, perinöral hücreler ve fibroblastlardan köken alan nöroektodermal bening tümörlerdir. Nörofibromlar bening olmasına rağmen sadece bir vakada malign dönüşüm tanımlanmıştır. İntranöral ve diffüz formları vardır. Saçlı deride ve deri altı dokuda yerleşen nörofibromlar oksipital bölgede sık görülmekle birlikte nadir olarak kemik destrüksiyonu yapmaktadır. Soliter nörofibromlar cerrahi olarak tümüyle çıkartılırken, diffüz formlarda çevre dokulara invazyondan dolayı cerrahi sınır ayrılmamaktadır.
Neurofibroma is a peripheral nerve sheath tumor of neuroectodermal origin that includes Schwann cells, perineural cells and fibroblasts. Although neurofibromas are considered benign, only one case of malign transformation has been reported. Although neurofibroma is usually located in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, it has led to infiltration of the bone in our patient which is a rare condition. Surgically, total excision can be performed in the majority of solitary neurofibromas, however total excision is difficult for diffuse neurofibromas because of invasion of surrounding tissue.
Neurofibroma is a peripheral nerve sheath tumor of neuroectodermal origin that includes Schwann cells, perineural cells and fibroblasts. Although neurofibromas are considered benign, only one case of malign transformation has been reported. Although neurofibroma is usually located in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, it has led to infiltration of the bone in our patient which is a rare condition. Surgically, total excision can be performed in the majority of solitary neurofibromas, however total excision is difficult for diffuse neurofibromas because of invasion of surrounding tissue.
Diffüz nörofibroma, Kemik invazyonu, Nörofibromatozis, Diffuse neurofibroma, Infiltration of the bone, Neurofibromatosis
Aydın, H. E. vd. (2017). "Kemik destruksiyonu ile karşımıza çıkan soliter diffüz nörofibrom". Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 43(1), 29-31.