Alâî b. Muhibbî eş-Şîrâzî ve Müşkilü’l-Kur’ân’a dair risâlesi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Alâî b. Muhibbî eş-Şîrâzî XVI. yüzyılda yaşamış bir Osmanlı âlimidir. Aslen Şîrâzlı olduğu anlaşılan müellifin Acem diyarından Osmanlı coğrafyasına hangi tarihlerde ve niçin geldiğine dair herhangi bir bilgimiz bulunmamaktadır. Farsça, Arapça ve Türkçe’ye şiir inşâd edebilecek düzeyde vâkıf olan Âlâî, farklı sahalara dair birçok eser telif etmiştir. Risâletü’l-es’ile ve’l-ecvibe fî ilmi’t-tefsîr ve’l-hadîs, müellifin Silâhdâr Cafer Paşa’ya (ö. 995/1587) ithafen, Müşkilü’l-Kur’ân ve Müşkilü’l-hadîs ilimlerine dair Türkçe olarak telif ettiği eseridir. İki bölümden oluşan eserin ilk kısmında, âyetlerde müşkil gibi görünen bazı noktaların tavzîhine yer verilmiştir. Müellif, yüz yirmi soru ve bu sorulara verdiği cevaplarla âyetlerle alakalı değerlendirmelerini yapmıştır. Alâî’nin, eserini telif ederken Vâhidî, Zemahşerî, Râzî ve Beyzâvî gibi meşhur müfessirlerden istifade ettiği görülmektedir. Fıkıhta Hanefî, itikatta Mâtürîdî olan ve Mevlevî tarîkatine müntesip olan Alâî, âyetlerin fıkıh, kelâm, belâgat ve tasavvuf gibi ilimlere taalluk eden yönlerine dair kendi perspektifi paralelinde görüşlerini belirtmiştir. Alâî, âyetlerin özellikle kelâm ilmiyle irtibatlı yönlerine dair ayrıntılara yer vermeye özen göstermiştir. Bu bağlamda yeri geldiğince Ehl-i Sünnet ve Mu‘tezile arasındaki tartışmaları zikretmiş ve Mu‘tezile’nin görüşlerini hatalı bulduğunu ifade etmiştir.
‘Alā’ī b. Muḥibbī al-Shīrāzī was an Ottoman scholar lived in 16th century. As understood he was from Shiraz but we are unable to get any information about when and why he migrated to Ottoman territory from Iran. ‘Alā’ī, who was highly competent in Persian, Arabic and Turkish languages, produced many works in various fields. Risālah al-as’ila wa’l-acviba fī ‘ilm at-tafsīr wa’l-ḥadīth was one of his studies in the mushkil al-Qur’ān and mushkil al-ḥadīth, was dedicated to Silahdar Ca‘fer Pasha (d. 995/1587) in Turkish. This study was composed of two sections. In the first section, he brought explanations to some difficult points in the verses of the Qur’ān. He did this by answering one hundred twenty questions. We can see that he had benefited from the works of some famous interpreters like Vāḥidī, Zamakhsharī, Rāzī and Bayḍāvī while compiling this book. As a follower of Ḥanefī fiqh, Māturīdī faith and Mevlevī sect, ‘Alā’ī stated his specific ideas about the aspects of the verses concerning the fields of fiqh, kalam, rhetoric and mysticism. ‘Alā’ī especially cared for giving details regarding the aspects of the verses related to kalam. In this context, he sometimes mentioned the debates between Ahl al-sunnah and Mu‘tezile and found Mu‘tezile faulty.
‘Alā’ī b. Muḥibbī al-Shīrāzī was an Ottoman scholar lived in 16th century. As understood he was from Shiraz but we are unable to get any information about when and why he migrated to Ottoman territory from Iran. ‘Alā’ī, who was highly competent in Persian, Arabic and Turkish languages, produced many works in various fields. Risālah al-as’ila wa’l-acviba fī ‘ilm at-tafsīr wa’l-ḥadīth was one of his studies in the mushkil al-Qur’ān and mushkil al-ḥadīth, was dedicated to Silahdar Ca‘fer Pasha (d. 995/1587) in Turkish. This study was composed of two sections. In the first section, he brought explanations to some difficult points in the verses of the Qur’ān. He did this by answering one hundred twenty questions. We can see that he had benefited from the works of some famous interpreters like Vāḥidī, Zamakhsharī, Rāzī and Bayḍāvī while compiling this book. As a follower of Ḥanefī fiqh, Māturīdī faith and Mevlevī sect, ‘Alā’ī stated his specific ideas about the aspects of the verses concerning the fields of fiqh, kalam, rhetoric and mysticism. ‘Alā’ī especially cared for giving details regarding the aspects of the verses related to kalam. In this context, he sometimes mentioned the debates between Ahl al-sunnah and Mu‘tezile and found Mu‘tezile faulty.
Tefsir, Risâletü’l-es’ile ve’lecvibe, Müşkilü’l-Kur’ân, Alâî, Osmanlı, Tafsir, Risālah al-as’ila wa’l-acviba, Ottoman, ‘Alā’ī, Mushkil al-Qur’ān
Alpaydın, M. A. (2019). "Alâî b. Muhibbî eş-Şîrâzî ve Müşkilü’l-Kur’ân’a dair risâlesi". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(1), 437-469.