Kronik tekrarlayan multifokal osteomiyelit
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Kronik tekrarlayan multifokal osteomiyelit (KTMO) kemik ağrısı ve ateş, alevlenme ve iyileşme dönemleri ile karakterize otoenflamatuvar bir hastalık (nonbakteriyel osteomiyelit) olup, sıklıkla diğer enflamatuvar hastalıklar ile ilişkilidir. Bu makalede KTMO’lu olgularımızın bulguları ile birlikte son literatür verileri eşliğinde KTMO’nun epidemiyolojisi, etiyolojisi, klinik, histopatolojik ve radyolojik bulguları ve tedavisi tartışılmıştır.
Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) is an autoinflamatory disorder (a nonbacterial osteomyelitis) frequently associated with other inflammatory conditions and characterized by bone pain and fever and waxing and waning periods. In this article, details of our CRMO cases were presented and recent research about its epidemiology, etiology, clinical features, histopathologic and radiological findings, and treatment are discussed.
Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) is an autoinflamatory disorder (a nonbacterial osteomyelitis) frequently associated with other inflammatory conditions and characterized by bone pain and fever and waxing and waning periods. In this article, details of our CRMO cases were presented and recent research about its epidemiology, etiology, clinical features, histopathologic and radiological findings, and treatment are discussed.
Kronik osteomiyelit, Otoenflamatuvar hastalıklar, Osteit, Kemik hastalıkları, Chronic osteomyelitis, Autoinflamatory diseases, Osteitis, Bone diseases
Hekimsoy, İ. vd. (2017). "Kronik tekrarlayan multifokal osteomiyelit". Güncel Pediatri, 15(1), 25-37.