An analysis of teacher's views on the unit regarding cell division and heredity

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In this study, it was aimed that the views of the science teachers on the 8th grade unit, "Cell Division and Heredity" be analyzed. The sampling of the study comprises 160 science teachers working in the City of Kocaeli and the central districts. In order to determine the appropriateness of the targets and acquisitions required by the teachers during their teaching the unit, Cell Division and Heredity and also to determine what the learning-teaching activities, the materials, and the assessment and evaluation activities are, a questionnaire titled, The Evaluation Questionnaire for the 8th grade Unit, 'Cell Division and Heredity' (EQU) was conducted for 160 Science teachers. The opinions/views of the teachers were received by raising open-ended questions through the same form, as well. Acording to the findings obtained, the teachers state that students have difficulty in understanding the unit in which they experience misconceptions. Although the teachers think that the acquisitions are appropriate for providing efficient learning and acquiring study skills through scientific methods, they point out that the objectives are not in accord with the structure of the unit. Even though the teachers express that the subjects are dealt with from the inner circles to the remote/outer ones, from the concrete/tangible to the abstract, and from simple to complex, the results of the analysis suggest that the teachers cannot teach and deal with this unit easily and smoothly. The reason for this was stated as the fact that the unit was not suitable enough for performing experiments and observations on, that the duration was insufficient, that the unit was not interesting enough for the students, and that it could not be associated with the current life on an adequate level. It is considered that the evaluation of the views to be received from the teachers will contribute to dealing with the unit, Cell Division and Heredity and to the development of the education process and evaluation elements.


Bu çalışma, 06-08, Haziran 2014 tarihlerinde İstanbul[Türkiye de düzenlenen ERPA International Congress on Education (ERPA) Kongresi‘nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.


Cell division and heredity, Science teachers, Education & educational research


Özkan, M. ve Özbudak, Z. (2014). "An analysis of teacher's views on the unit regarding cell division and heredity". ed. S. Beşoluk, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, ERPA International Congress on Education (ERPA). 152, 714-719.
