Lepranın endemik olarak bulunduğu bazı doğu illerimizde hasta-temaslı taramaları
Saylan, Türkan
Sütlaş, Mustafa
Yüksel, Ayşe
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Lepra prevalansının Türkiye geneline göre oldukça yüksek görüldülü Maraş ve Sivas illerinde, hasta-temaslı taraması düzenlenerek kayıtlı 356 hasta ve yakınlarının muayenesi yapılmıştır. Ölüm, kayıp, bölge dışı göç ve diğer sebepler sonucu bölgede 165 eski hastanın kaldığı görülmüş ve bu hastaların yakınları arasında 8 yeni hasta tespit edilmiştir. Tüm hastaların tedavileri yeni şemalara göre düzenlenmiştir. Hastaların yüzde 81.8 inde basil bulunamamıştır.
356 registered cases and their close contacts were examined in two provinces (namely K. Maraş and Sivas) where leprosy prevalence is rather high compared with the overall prevalence rate of Turkey. lt was found that only 165 registered were still alive and living in these provinces. Remaining 191 patients either died or left the area due to various reasons. 81 .8 percent of them were found negative through smear examination. 8 new cases of leprosy were diagnosed among close contacts. Treatment of the all patient was arranged according to the new schedule.
356 registered cases and their close contacts were examined in two provinces (namely K. Maraş and Sivas) where leprosy prevalence is rather high compared with the overall prevalence rate of Turkey. lt was found that only 165 registered were still alive and living in these provinces. Remaining 191 patients either died or left the area due to various reasons. 81 .8 percent of them were found negative through smear examination. 8 new cases of leprosy were diagnosed among close contacts. Treatment of the all patient was arranged according to the new schedule.
Lepra, Hasta taramaları, Patient scans, Leprosy
Saylan, T. vd. (1987). ''Lepranın endemik olarak bulunduğu bazı doğu illerimizde hasta-temaslı taramaları''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2), 135-139.