Erişkin zona: Olgu serisi ve derleme
Yavaşoğlu, İrfan
Arslan, Erol
Gök, Mehmet
Kurna, Rıza
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu olgu serisinde zonanın epidemiyolojisi, patogenezi, doğal seyri, sık semptomları, tedavisi ve korunma özetlendi. Varisella zoster virus çocukluk çağında su çiçeği tablosu ve latent virusun reaktivasyonu ile oluşan zonaya yol açar. Hücresel bağışıklığın azalması ile ve yaşlılıkta sıklığı artar. Zonanın görülmesi klinik doğru tanı için yeterlidir. Asiklovir, valasiklovir, brivudine, famsiklovir zona tedavisinde kullanılabilir. Bu ilaçların etki ve güvenliği benzerdir. Antiviral tedavilerle zona döküntüsü ve ağrısının şiddeti azalmıştır. Hastalığın başlamasında, sık semptomların yok edilmesinde yararı yoktur. Altmış yaş üstünde hedef grupta zoster aşısı hastalıktan korunmada yararlı olabilir. Göz tutulumunda tedavi zor olabilir, hastalar göz hekimine yönlendirilebilir. Zonada yaşam kalitesi etkilenir. Biz burada on zonalı hastayı literatür derlemesi ile sunduk.
This case series showed that the epidemiology, pathogenesis, natural history, common symptoms, treatment, and prevention of zoster disease. Anyone infected with varicella virus in childhood is at risk for reactivation of dormant virus and the onset of zoster disease, although it occurs with increasing frequency in the elderly as a result of waning of cell-mediated immunity. The appearance of herpes zoster is sufficiently distinctive that a clinical diagnosis is usually accurate. Acyclovir, valacyclovir, brivudine, and famciclovir are approved for the treatment of herpes zoster. These drugs are well tolerated and are similar in terms of both efficacy and safety. Antiviral treatments can decrease the severity of zoster rash and pain but cannot prevent disease onset or completely eliminate the most frequent symptoms. The zoster vaccine may help prevent the onset of herpes zoster in the target population of those age 60 years and older. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus is not in and of itself sight threatening or difficult to treat, but if the eye becomes involved, the risk to the patient increases, and the patient should be referred to an ophthalmologist. Herpes zoster is a disease associated with aging that can significantly impair quality of life for affected individuals. Here, we report teen cases of herpes zoster along with a review of the literature.
This case series showed that the epidemiology, pathogenesis, natural history, common symptoms, treatment, and prevention of zoster disease. Anyone infected with varicella virus in childhood is at risk for reactivation of dormant virus and the onset of zoster disease, although it occurs with increasing frequency in the elderly as a result of waning of cell-mediated immunity. The appearance of herpes zoster is sufficiently distinctive that a clinical diagnosis is usually accurate. Acyclovir, valacyclovir, brivudine, and famciclovir are approved for the treatment of herpes zoster. These drugs are well tolerated and are similar in terms of both efficacy and safety. Antiviral treatments can decrease the severity of zoster rash and pain but cannot prevent disease onset or completely eliminate the most frequent symptoms. The zoster vaccine may help prevent the onset of herpes zoster in the target population of those age 60 years and older. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus is not in and of itself sight threatening or difficult to treat, but if the eye becomes involved, the risk to the patient increases, and the patient should be referred to an ophthalmologist. Herpes zoster is a disease associated with aging that can significantly impair quality of life for affected individuals. Here, we report teen cases of herpes zoster along with a review of the literature.
Zona, Herpes zoster, Herpes zoster, Quality of life
Yavaşoğlu, İ. vd. (2008). “Erişkin zona: Olgu serisi ve derleme”. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(3), 123-125.