Çocuklarda anne sütü ile beslenme süresi ve ilişikili faktörler
Alp, Hayrullah
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Amaç: Bu çalışma bir ilçe hastanesine başvuran annelerin emzirme süresini ve bunu etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek amacı ile yapılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma, Konya, Sarayönü Devlet Hastanesi Çocuk Polikliniği’ne çeşitli nedenler ile çocuklarını getiren, tüm doğumlarını term olarak yapmış 18-39 yaş arasındaki toplam 600 anne üzerinde yapılmıştır. Çalışma, 20 Ocak-15 Nisan 2009 tarihleri arasında yapılmış olup, hazırlanan anket formları bizzat doktor ve hemşireler tarafından anneler ile yüz yüze görüşülerek doldurulmuştur. Bulgular: Çalışmaya katılan annelerin ortalama yaşı 27,3±2,5 SD olarak bulundu ve bunlardan 96 tanesi (%16) 18-23 yaş, 169 tanesi (%28,6) 24-29 yaş, 202 tanesi (%33,66) 30-35 yaş ve 133 tanesi (%22,16) 36-39 yaş grubundaydı. Annelerin %73,33’ü ilkokul mezunuydu, %60,16’sı orta gelir düzeyine sahipti ve %73,36’sı anne sütünün faydalarını doktor veya hemşireden öğrenmişti. Ortalama emzirme sürelerinin yaş arttıkça arttığı görülürken (18-23 yaş için 12,2±0,4 ay, 24-29 yaş için 13,1±0,1 ay, 30-35 yaş için 13,8±0,8 ay ve 36-39 yaş için 14,4±0,4 ay), aylık geliri >2000 TL olan annelerin emzirme süreleri diğer iki gelir düzeyli gruplardan istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede uzun bulundu. Anne yaşı, çocuk sayısı, ailenin aylık geliri arttıkça, annenin eğitim düzeyi yükseldikçe ve emzirmeyle ilgili gerekli bilgileri sağlık personelinden öğrenildikçe emzirme süresinin uzadığı görüldü. Sonuç: Her toplum için doğumda anne sütü verilmesini ve sonrasında da emzirme süresini etkileyen faktörler değerlendirilmeli ve böylece elde edilen bilgilere göre sağlıklı bir nesil için annelerin yeterince eğitilerek emzirme süresini ideal bir süreye kadar uzatmaları sağlanmalıdır.
Aim: This study was conducted to identify the duration of breastfeeding and the factors effecting this in mothers admitted to a state hospital. Materials and Method: The study constituted a total of 600 mothers aged between 18-39 years, who had brought their term-born children to Konya, Sarayönü State Hospital Department of Pediatrics for several causes. The study was assessed between 20 January and 15 April 2009 and prepared questionnaire forms have been filled by doctors and nurses using face-to-face interview method with mothers. Results: Median age of the mothers included in the study was 27,3±2,5 years and 96 of the mothers (16%) were between 18-23 years, 169 (28.6%) were between 24-29 years, 202 (33.66%) were between 30-35 years and 133 (22.16%) were between 36-39 years. Of the mothers, 73.33 percent were graduated from primary school, 60.16 percent had a medium monthly income and 73.36 percent had learned the benefits of breastfeeding from the doctors or nurses. The mean duration of breastfeeding increased with increasing mother’s age (in 18- 23 age-group, 12.2±0.4 months; in 24-29 age-group, 13.1±0.1 months; in 30-35 age group 13.8±0.8 months; and in 36-39 age group 14.4±0.4 months), and the mean duration of breastfeeding in the monthly income of >2000 TL group was statistically significant than those of the other two income groups. Duration of breastfeeding increases with an increase in mother’s age, number of children, and monthly income of the family; level of education; and learning the benefits of breastfeeding from the doctors or nurses. Conclusion: Factors that affect the breastfeeding and the duration of breastfeeding should be considered for each society and then with the light of this information mothers must be instructed sufficiently for a long and ideal time of breastfeeding to form a healthy population.
Aim: This study was conducted to identify the duration of breastfeeding and the factors effecting this in mothers admitted to a state hospital. Materials and Method: The study constituted a total of 600 mothers aged between 18-39 years, who had brought their term-born children to Konya, Sarayönü State Hospital Department of Pediatrics for several causes. The study was assessed between 20 January and 15 April 2009 and prepared questionnaire forms have been filled by doctors and nurses using face-to-face interview method with mothers. Results: Median age of the mothers included in the study was 27,3±2,5 years and 96 of the mothers (16%) were between 18-23 years, 169 (28.6%) were between 24-29 years, 202 (33.66%) were between 30-35 years and 133 (22.16%) were between 36-39 years. Of the mothers, 73.33 percent were graduated from primary school, 60.16 percent had a medium monthly income and 73.36 percent had learned the benefits of breastfeeding from the doctors or nurses. The mean duration of breastfeeding increased with increasing mother’s age (in 18- 23 age-group, 12.2±0.4 months; in 24-29 age-group, 13.1±0.1 months; in 30-35 age group 13.8±0.8 months; and in 36-39 age group 14.4±0.4 months), and the mean duration of breastfeeding in the monthly income of >2000 TL group was statistically significant than those of the other two income groups. Duration of breastfeeding increases with an increase in mother’s age, number of children, and monthly income of the family; level of education; and learning the benefits of breastfeeding from the doctors or nurses. Conclusion: Factors that affect the breastfeeding and the duration of breastfeeding should be considered for each society and then with the light of this information mothers must be instructed sufficiently for a long and ideal time of breastfeeding to form a healthy population.
Anne sütü, Emzirme, İlişkili faktörler, Breast milk, Breastfeeding, Related factors
Alp, H. (2009). "Çocuklarda anne sütü ile beslenme süresi ve ilişikili faktörler". Güncel Pediatri, 7(2), 45-52.