Cross-industry and simple location quotient techniques for constructing regional input -output models

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


Within the last twenty years, an increasing number of policy decisions at all levels of governmental and business enterprises have required on extensive knowledge of regional economic conditions. A regional input-output or inte industry model can help business firms and govermental bodies to take decisions about investments and development projects in a region. As we know, a regional input-output model represents the structure of a regional economy at sectoral !evel. So an analyst or a manager by using the model can understand the potentiality of a regional sector and its production flow in monetary or physical terms. This information can help the managers to take decisions in their investment projects. A regional input-output model can assist in other studies by collecting and presenting regional data in analytically useful form. Especially, it is chosen as a main planning tool for regional development. On the other hand, a regional input-output model can be useful in the analysis of environmental and ecological problems in a region. The purpose of this paper is to explain cross-industry and simple location quotient techniques in it construction of a regional input-output models.



Cross-industry, Regional input -output models, Location quotient techniques, Policy decisions


Öztürk, A. (1984). "Cross-industry and simple location quotient techniques for constructing regional input -output models". Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(1), 91-96.