William Blake: Şairden öte
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
William Blake değeri ölümünden yaklaşık iki asır sonra anlaşılan, yaşadığı dönemde yakın çevresi dışında belki de çok az kişinin tanıdığı fakat günümüzde büyük kitlelerin tanıyıp hayranlık duyduğu İngiliz Edebiyatı Romantik döneminin önemli şairlerindendir. Blake şiirlerinde topluma farklı mesajlar vermekte; din, toplum, felsefe gibi alanlarda düşüncelerini şiirleri vasıtasıyla yansıtmaktadır. Fakat Blake'i diğer şairlerden ayırıp incelenmeye değer kılan özelliği mesajlarını verirken kullandığı tek yolun edebiyat yani şiirleri olmayışıdır. Blake şairlik özelliğinin yanı sıra görsel sanatlara olan ilgisi ve yeteneğiyle de dikkat çekmektedir. O sadece ünlü bir şair değil aynı zamanda ünlü bir ressam ve gravür sanatçısıdır. Bu nedenle din ve toplumla ilgili mesajlarını verirken kullandığı diğer yöntem de görsel sanatlardır. Edebiyat ve görsel sanatlar konusundaki yeteneklere aynı anda sahip olan nadir insanlardan biri olması dolayısıyla William Blake bu tezin ana konusunu oluşturmaktadır.William Blake'i ele alırken yaşadığı dönem olan Romantik Dönem de göz ardı edilmeyerek tezin birinci bölümünde dönemin genel özelliklerine kısaca yer verilmektedir. Tez, Blake'in yaşamı, şairliği ve bazı şiirlerinin incelenmesi ile devam etmektedir. Tezin son bölümünde de Blake'in şairlikten öte özellikleri ele alınmakta ve tez Blake'in bazı görsel eserleri ile desteklenmektedir. Şiirlerinde, resimlerinde ve gravürlerinde verilen dini ve toplumsal mesajlar sonuç bölümünde ele alınmaktadır.
William Blake is one of the most important poets of the Romantic Period in English Literature, the value of whom had been recognized nearly two centuries after his death. He is a poet probably had known by a few people other than his friends and family when he was alive but is admired by many people now. Blake gives several messages about his ideas on such fields as religion, society and philosophy via his poems. But, what makes Blake worth to be examined is that the poetry is not the only vehicle he uses to share his messages. Blake also stands out for his interest in and special talent for art alongside literature. He is not only a well-known poet but also a famous painter and engraver. Thats how he can use art for sharing his messages other than literature. For being one of the rare people who bears two special talents, both for literature and art, William Blake was chosen to be the main focus of this thesis.Though William Blake is cheifly examined, the age he lived, namely Romantic Period, is also taken into consideration in this thesis and general information about the period is included at the first chapter. The thesis keeps on giving information on Blakes life, his poetry and some of his poems. The last chapter considers Blaks characteristics other than being a poet and the thesis is supported by the samples of his paintings and engravings. His messages given via his poems, paintings and engravings on religion and social issues are considered at the conclusion.
William Blake is one of the most important poets of the Romantic Period in English Literature, the value of whom had been recognized nearly two centuries after his death. He is a poet probably had known by a few people other than his friends and family when he was alive but is admired by many people now. Blake gives several messages about his ideas on such fields as religion, society and philosophy via his poems. But, what makes Blake worth to be examined is that the poetry is not the only vehicle he uses to share his messages. Blake also stands out for his interest in and special talent for art alongside literature. He is not only a well-known poet but also a famous painter and engraver. Thats how he can use art for sharing his messages other than literature. For being one of the rare people who bears two special talents, both for literature and art, William Blake was chosen to be the main focus of this thesis.Though William Blake is cheifly examined, the age he lived, namely Romantic Period, is also taken into consideration in this thesis and general information about the period is included at the first chapter. The thesis keeps on giving information on Blakes life, his poetry and some of his poems. The last chapter considers Blaks characteristics other than being a poet and the thesis is supported by the samples of his paintings and engravings. His messages given via his poems, paintings and engravings on religion and social issues are considered at the conclusion.
William Blake, İngiliz edebiyatı, Romantik dönem, Şiir, Gravür, Ressam, English literature, Romantic period, Poetry, Engraving, Painter
Dallılar, A. (2010). William Blake: Şairden öte. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.