Bursa Amerikan Kız Kolejinde eğitim
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu tez çalışması Amerikalı misyonerler tarafından kurulan Bursa Amerikan Kız Kolejinin kuruluşunu, kuruluş amacını, misyonunu, eğitim ve öğretim faaliyetlerini, tanassur hadisesini ve kapatılışını incelemektedir. Araştırmanın yoğunluğunu Amerikan Board Teşkilatı ve misyonerlerinin Bursa’daki eğitim faaliyetleri oluşturmaktadır. Bu kapsamda tez çalışması başlıklara ayrılarak ele alınmıştır. Öncelikli olarak Bursa Amerikan Kız Kolejinin kuruluşu, misyonerlere destek veren Amerikan Board Teşkilatı’nın faaliyetleri, misyonerlerin Bursa’daki çalışmaları ve okulun kuruluşundaki tarihsel süreçten bahsedilmiştir. Bursa Amerikan Kız Kolejinde Eğitim Faaliyetleri kapsamında; Batı Türkiye Misyonu dâhilinde Bursa istasyonu için yıl sonlarında misyonerlik evine gönderilen veriler incelenmiş, okulda okutulan derslerden bahsedilmiş, okulda kız öğrencilerin nasıl yetiştirildiğine dair bilgiler verilmiştir. Bursa Amerikan Kız Kolejinde Çalışan Misyoner Öğretmenler başlığı altında; okuldaki eğitim kadrosundan, misyoner öğretmenlerin faaliyetlerinden ve aldıkları maaşlardan bahsedilmiştir. Son olarak ise Bursa Amerikan Kız Kolejinin kapatılma süreci incelenmiştir; okuldaki tanassur hadisesinin duyulması ile başlayan kapatılma süreci ele alınmıştır.
This thesis study examines the establishment, purpose of establishment, mission, education and training activities, tanassur incident and closure of Bursa American Girls College founded by American missionaries. The intensity of the research is the educational activities of the American Board Organization and its missionaries in Bursa. In this context, the thesis study has been discussed by dividing into titles. First of all, the establishment of Bursa American Girls College, the activities of the American Board Organization supporting missionaries, the work of missionaries in Bursa and the historical process in the establishment of the school were mentioned. Within the scope of Educational Activities at Bursa American Girls College; The data sent to the missionary house at the end of the year for the Bursa station within the Western Turkey Mission were examined, the courses taught at the school were mentioned, information was given about how female students were raised at the school. Under the title of Missionary Teachers Working at Bursa American Girls College; the educational staff at the school, the activities of missionary teachers and the salaries they receive were mentioned. Finally, the closure process of Bursa American Girls College was examined; the closure process that started with the hearing of the tanassur incident at the school was discussed.
This thesis study examines the establishment, purpose of establishment, mission, education and training activities, tanassur incident and closure of Bursa American Girls College founded by American missionaries. The intensity of the research is the educational activities of the American Board Organization and its missionaries in Bursa. In this context, the thesis study has been discussed by dividing into titles. First of all, the establishment of Bursa American Girls College, the activities of the American Board Organization supporting missionaries, the work of missionaries in Bursa and the historical process in the establishment of the school were mentioned. Within the scope of Educational Activities at Bursa American Girls College; The data sent to the missionary house at the end of the year for the Bursa station within the Western Turkey Mission were examined, the courses taught at the school were mentioned, information was given about how female students were raised at the school. Under the title of Missionary Teachers Working at Bursa American Girls College; the educational staff at the school, the activities of missionary teachers and the salaries they receive were mentioned. Finally, the closure process of Bursa American Girls College was examined; the closure process that started with the hearing of the tanassur incident at the school was discussed.
Amerikan, Bursa, Eğitim, Misyonerlik, American, Education, Missionary
Köknar, E. S. (2023). Bursa Amerikan Kız Kolejinde eğitim. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.