Hüseyniyye ve behşemiyye’ye göre ma‘dûm’un şeyiyyeti
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Mu‘tezile kelâmında ma‘dûm meselesi Allah’ın ilim sıfatı konusunun bir alt başlığı olarak ele alınmıştır. Behşemiyye ekolüne göre yokluk halindeki ma‘dûmun şey olma özelliği vardır. Dolayısıyla ma‘dûmun kendine özgü zâtı ve sıfatı bulunmaktadır. Behşemîlere göre kâdir tarafından varlığa getirilecek olan ma‘dûmun belirli ve bilinen/düşünülen bir şey olması gerekir. Yokluk dünyasındaki ma‘dûmun şey olması gerektiğini ileri süren Behşemîler, ma‘dûm hakkındaki bilginin varlık dünyasındaki nesnelerin bilgisi ile aynı olduğunu söylerler. Basra Mu‘tezile’sinin son dönemlerinde Behşemiyye ekolünden ayrışarak ortaya çıkan Hüseyniyye ekolü ise ma‘dûma şey denilemeyeceğini, bu nedenle ma‘dûmun zâtının ve vücûd sıfatının bulunmadığını iddia eder. Onlara göre bir şeyin varlığı, o şeyin zâtından ayrı bir özellik değildir. Çünkü bir şeyin zâtı ve vücûdu özdeştir. Hüseyniyye’ye göre ma‘dûm hakkındaki bilgi, insan zihninde ancak tasavvur halinde bulunur. İnsanlar öncelikle yapacakları fiiller (resim yapmak, yazı yazmak gibi) ile ilgili birtakım hükümleri zihinlerinde tasavvur ederler. İşte henüz gerçekleşmemiş tasavvur halindeki bu bilgi, ma‘dûmun bilgisidir. Zihinde tasavvur halinde bulunan ma‘dûm kâdir tarafından meydana getirilince, reel dünyada varlık vasfını kazanır. Böylelikle ma‘dûm varlığa gelme anında şey olma özelliğini elde eder ve tasavvur halindeki ma‘dûm bilgisi gerçek nesnel bilgiye dönüşür.
The issue of ma‘dūm (non-existent) in the teology of Mu‘tazilah has been discussed as a sub-topic of the subject of Allah’s attribute of knowledge. According to the Bahshamiyya school, the ma‘dūm in absence has the feature of thing. Therefore, the ma‘dūm has its own unique essence (dhāt) and feature of in being (vücūd). According to Bahshamīs, the ma‘dūm that will be to existence by the kâdir must be a certain (muāyyen) and known/thought (ma‘kūl) thing. Bahshamīs who say that the ma‘dūm in the world of absence should be the thing, claims that the knowledge of the ma‘dūm is like the knowledge of objects in the world of being. The Ḥusayniyya school which emerged by separating from Bahshamiyya school in the last periods of Basra Mu‘tazilah, claims that it was not possible to say thing the ma‘dūm, and therefore there was no feature of in being (vücūd). Ḥusaynīs accepts that ma‘dūm does not exist in the absence and therefore it does not have feature. According to them, the existence of thing is not a feature separate from that thing’s essence. Because the thing of essence and feature of in being (vücūd) are identical. According to Ḥusayniyya, knowledge about the ma‘dūm is found only in imagination in the human mind. Firstly people is imagine some of the provisions regarding the verbs they will make (such as painting, writing) in their minds. This imagined knowledge which has not yet taken place is the knowledge of the ma‘dūm. When the imagined ma‘dūm in the mind is existenced by the kâdir, it gains the feature of existence in the real world. Thus, by assuming the feature of being a thing at the moment of coming to existence, the knowledge of the imagined ma‘dūm turns into real objective knowledge.
The issue of ma‘dūm (non-existent) in the teology of Mu‘tazilah has been discussed as a sub-topic of the subject of Allah’s attribute of knowledge. According to the Bahshamiyya school, the ma‘dūm in absence has the feature of thing. Therefore, the ma‘dūm has its own unique essence (dhāt) and feature of in being (vücūd). According to Bahshamīs, the ma‘dūm that will be to existence by the kâdir must be a certain (muāyyen) and known/thought (ma‘kūl) thing. Bahshamīs who say that the ma‘dūm in the world of absence should be the thing, claims that the knowledge of the ma‘dūm is like the knowledge of objects in the world of being. The Ḥusayniyya school which emerged by separating from Bahshamiyya school in the last periods of Basra Mu‘tazilah, claims that it was not possible to say thing the ma‘dūm, and therefore there was no feature of in being (vücūd). Ḥusaynīs accepts that ma‘dūm does not exist in the absence and therefore it does not have feature. According to them, the existence of thing is not a feature separate from that thing’s essence. Because the thing of essence and feature of in being (vücūd) are identical. According to Ḥusayniyya, knowledge about the ma‘dūm is found only in imagination in the human mind. Firstly people is imagine some of the provisions regarding the verbs they will make (such as painting, writing) in their minds. This imagined knowledge which has not yet taken place is the knowledge of the ma‘dūm. When the imagined ma‘dūm in the mind is existenced by the kâdir, it gains the feature of existence in the real world. Thus, by assuming the feature of being a thing at the moment of coming to existence, the knowledge of the imagined ma‘dūm turns into real objective knowledge.
Hüseyniyye, Kelâm, Ma‘dûm, Behşemiyye, Kalām, Şey, Huseyniyya, Bahshamiyya, Thing (shay’), Ma‘dūm (non-existent)
Özerol, M. F. (2020). ''Hüseyniyye ve behşemiyye’ye göre ma‘dûm’un şeyiyyeti ''. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(1), 167-187.