Hastane işletmelerinde maliyetleme yaklaşımları
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Hastaneler topluma çeşitli sağlık hizmeti sunan sağlık sistemimizin en önemli kurumlarından biridir. Bu kurumlar, toplumun bedenen ve ruhen sağlıklı yaşamasında ve sağlıklı bir toplum oluşturulmasında önemli görevler üstlenen hizmet işletmeleridir. Diğer hizmet işletmelerine benzemekle birlikte, hastanelerdeki üretim süreci karmaşık bir yapıya sahiptir. Çünkü hastalığın türü ve şiddeti, her hastaya farklı hizmet sunumu gerektirmektedir. Bu da hastane işletmelerinde birim hasta maliyeti hesaplamayı güçleştirmektedir. Hastane işletmelerindeki maliyetleme yaklaşımları incelendiğinde bölümleri ve hastaları maliyetleme olmak üzere iki temel yaklaşımın bulunduğu görülmektedir. Bunlardan bölümleri maliyetleme çok kere tercih edilmekle birlikte, hastanenin nihai amacının birim hasta maliyetini hesaplamak olduğu söylenebilir. Fakat hastanelerdeki üretim süreci, sadece safha veya sipariş maliyetlemesi kullanarak birim hasta maliyeti hesapla-maya müsait değildir. Bu bakımdan her iki maliyetleme yaklaşımının izlerini taşıyan melez maliyetleme hastaneler için uygun bir yaklaşımdır
Hospitals which give various health care services to the society are one of the most important establishments of health system. These establishments are service enterprises that undertake considerable roles at living vigorous both physically and spiritually, also constituting a healthy society. Despite resembling the other service enterprises, production process in hospitals has a complex structure. Because, the kind and severity of sickness require different services for per patient. This situation makes it difficult to calculate unit patient cost in hospital enterprises. When costing approaches in hospital enterprises are examined it is seen that there are two main approaches as departmental costing and unit patient costing. Although departmental costing generally preferred, it can be said that the final aim of the hospital is to calculate unit patient cost. But production process in hospitals is not favourable to calculate unit patient cost by using only process costing or job order costing. So, hybrid costing which has characteristic properties of both process costing and job order costing is a favourable approach for hospitals.
Hospitals which give various health care services to the society are one of the most important establishments of health system. These establishments are service enterprises that undertake considerable roles at living vigorous both physically and spiritually, also constituting a healthy society. Despite resembling the other service enterprises, production process in hospitals has a complex structure. Because, the kind and severity of sickness require different services for per patient. This situation makes it difficult to calculate unit patient cost in hospital enterprises. When costing approaches in hospital enterprises are examined it is seen that there are two main approaches as departmental costing and unit patient costing. Although departmental costing generally preferred, it can be said that the final aim of the hospital is to calculate unit patient cost. But production process in hospitals is not favourable to calculate unit patient cost by using only process costing or job order costing. So, hybrid costing which has characteristic properties of both process costing and job order costing is a favourable approach for hospitals.
Hastaneler, Hospitals, Maliyetleme, Maliyetleme yaklaşımları, Costing, Costing approaches
Özkan, A. (2003). "Hastane işletmelerinde maliyetleme yaklaşımları". Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(2),113-130.