Obesite ile serum insülin ve lipid düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiler
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada diabetes mellitus (DM) 'u olmayan obes olgularda, serum insülin ve lipid düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi amaçlandı. Obes olgularda {n=39) ortalama total lipid (T.lipid), total kolesterol (TK), trigliserit (TG) ve çok düşük dansiteli lipoprotein-kolesterol (VLDL-k) 'ün normallere {n=37) kıyasla önemli derecede yüksek cx ve cxl prej-lipoprotein elektroforezi fraksiyonlarının oranları ise düşük bulundu. Korelasyon çalışmaları sonucunda sadece çok obes grupta (n=41), insülinle açlık kan şekeri (AKŞ) arasında önemli (p<0. 05) bir ilişki (r=0. 36) saptandı . İnsülinle diğer parametrelerin korelasyonlarında, istatistiksel açıdan önemli bir fark bulunmamasına karşın, VLDL-k ve insülinle prej ilişkilerinin obeslerde göreceli olarak artmış bulunması, hem birbirleriyle hem de bu değerin ortalama dağılımları ile uyumlu ve önemli bulgular. Çok obes grupta insülin ve AKŞ değerlerinin en yüksek bulunması ve insülinle AKŞ arasında saptanan pozitif korelasyon ve obeslerde istatistiksel açıdan önemli olarak saptanan "insülin-β", insülin-preβ" ilişkilerinin kaybolması, çok obes grupta insülin rezistansının başladığını gösterebilecek bulgulardı. Obez ve çok obezlerde a-lipoprotein fraksiyonlarının normallere kıyasla önemli derecede düşük bulunması, α/β ve α/preβ oranlarının ise çok obes grupta en düşük bulunması, yerleş iş obezitede atherojenik lipoproteinlerin artmasına sekonder atheroskleroz riskinin arttığını gösteren bulgular. Sonuç olarak, bu araştırmada saptanan serum lipoprotein değerleri, insülin değerleri ile orantılı olarak, obezitenin çeşitli kaynaklarda da belirtilen şekilde "dislipidemi"ye yol açtığını dolaylı olarak gösteriyordu.
In this study we have aimed to investigate the correlations of serum insulin and lipid levels in the nondiabetic obese individuals. In the obese group (n=39) total lipid (T.lipid), total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG) and very low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (VLDL-c) mean values were found to be higher, while α/β and α/preβ lipoprotein electrophoresis fractions' ratios lower, compared to normals (n=37). In the end of our correlation investigations, only in the very obese group {n=41), there was found to be an important relation of insulin with fasting blood glucose (FBG, r=0.36, p<0.05). There was not any other statistically important correlation between the other parameter with insulin in neither of the groups but, finding the insulin VLDL-c and insulin prejJ correlations relatively higher in the abese group than the normals, were important results. In the very obese group finding insulin and FBG levels highest and a positive correlation between insulin and FBG and the correlations which were positive in the obese group (insulin-β and insulin-preβ) to be lost in the very obese, were the results showing that insulin resistance has begun in the latter group. Finding the a-lipoprotein fractions lower, compared to normals in the obese and very obese groups, while α/β and α/preβ ratios lowest in the very obese group, were the results showing that atherosclerosis risk would be higher secondary to the increase of atherogenic lipoproteins in the established obesity. As a result we can say that, serum lipoprotein and insulin values established in this study were accordant with each other and were indirectly responsible for the "dislipidemia" seen in obesity as mentioned in various literature data.
In this study we have aimed to investigate the correlations of serum insulin and lipid levels in the nondiabetic obese individuals. In the obese group (n=39) total lipid (T.lipid), total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG) and very low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (VLDL-c) mean values were found to be higher, while α/β and α/preβ lipoprotein electrophoresis fractions' ratios lower, compared to normals (n=37). In the end of our correlation investigations, only in the very obese group {n=41), there was found to be an important relation of insulin with fasting blood glucose (FBG, r=0.36, p<0.05). There was not any other statistically important correlation between the other parameter with insulin in neither of the groups but, finding the insulin VLDL-c and insulin prejJ correlations relatively higher in the abese group than the normals, were important results. In the very obese group finding insulin and FBG levels highest and a positive correlation between insulin and FBG and the correlations which were positive in the obese group (insulin-β and insulin-preβ) to be lost in the very obese, were the results showing that insulin resistance has begun in the latter group. Finding the a-lipoprotein fractions lower, compared to normals in the obese and very obese groups, while α/β and α/preβ ratios lowest in the very obese group, were the results showing that atherosclerosis risk would be higher secondary to the increase of atherogenic lipoproteins in the established obesity. As a result we can say that, serum lipoprotein and insulin values established in this study were accordant with each other and were indirectly responsible for the "dislipidemia" seen in obesity as mentioned in various literature data.
Obesite, İnsülin, Trigliserit, Obesity, Insulin, Triglyceride
Güler, A. H. vd. (1994). ''Obesite ile serum insülin ve lipid düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiler''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), 31-36.