Deneysel aort koarktasyonunda simpatetik aktivite ve hipertansiyon oluşumu
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Aort koarktasyonundaki hipertansiyon ve simpatetik aktiviteye açıklık kazandırmak amacıyla on köpekte cerrahi yöntemle aort koarktasyonu oluşturuldu. Kontrol grubundaki beş köpekte ise aynı travma yapıldı fakat aort koarktasyonu oluşturulmadı. Deneysel koarktasyonu hemodinamik etkinliğini belirlemek için köpeklerin aort başçaları ve plazma renin aktiviteleri üç ay süreyle izlendi. Üç ay sonunda köpeklerin tüm simpatetik ganglionları ve adrenal bezi çıkanlarak bu dokularda Tirozin Hidroksilaz ve Kolin Asetil Transferaz enzim aktiviteleri saptandı. Adrenal bez ve çöliak simpatetik ganglionlarda Kolin Asetil Transferaz enzimi aktivitesi deney grubu hayvanlarda kontrol grubuna göre yüksek bulundu. Diğer simpatetik ganglionların enzim aktivitelerinde kontrol ve deney grubu hayvanlar arasında anlamlı fark bulunmadı. Deneysel aort koarktasyonunda adrenal bez ve çöliak simpatetik ganglionlar dışında belirgin simpatetik aktivasyon veya inhibisyon oluşmadığı sonucuna varıldı.
Experimental aortic coarctation was created surgically in ten dogs to investigate the relationship between hypertension and sympathetic activity in aortic coarctation. In another group of five dogs all the procedures were repeated but coarctation was not created. Aortic pressures and plasma renin activity were measured for three month period to define the hemodynamic effect of the experimental coarctation. Three months later whole sympathetic ganglions and adrenal gland were removed and Thyrosin Hydroxylase and Cholin Acetyl Transferase enzyme activity were determined in these tissues. In experimental group Cholin Acetyl Transferase was found higher than the control group in coeliac ganglia and adrenal gland. Enzymatic activities were not different between the control and the experimental group in other sympathetic ganglions. We concluded that there was neither synıpathetic activation nor inhibition other than coeliac and adrenal gland in experinıental aortic coarctation.
Experimental aortic coarctation was created surgically in ten dogs to investigate the relationship between hypertension and sympathetic activity in aortic coarctation. In another group of five dogs all the procedures were repeated but coarctation was not created. Aortic pressures and plasma renin activity were measured for three month period to define the hemodynamic effect of the experimental coarctation. Three months later whole sympathetic ganglions and adrenal gland were removed and Thyrosin Hydroxylase and Cholin Acetyl Transferase enzyme activity were determined in these tissues. In experimental group Cholin Acetyl Transferase was found higher than the control group in coeliac ganglia and adrenal gland. Enzymatic activities were not different between the control and the experimental group in other sympathetic ganglions. We concluded that there was neither synıpathetic activation nor inhibition other than coeliac and adrenal gland in experinıental aortic coarctation.
Deneysel aort koarktasyonu, Simpatetik aktivite, Hipertansiyon oluşumu, Occurrence of hypertension, Sympathetic activity, Experimental aortic coarctation
Özkan, H. (1990). ''Deneysel aort koarktasyonunda simpatetik aktivite ve hipertansiyon oluşumu''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2), 297-311.