Lepranın endemo-sporadik olarak bulunduğu bazı batı illerimizde hasta-temaslı taramaları
Yüksel, Ayşe
Saylan, Türkan
Sütlaş, Mustafa
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Ülkemizin batısında olduğu halde yüksek lepra prevalansı gösteren iki ve düşük prevalans bir ilimizde gerçekleştirilen hasta-temaslı taramalarında kayıtlı bulunan toplam 193 hastanın ve yakınlarının incelenmesi yapıldı. Hastaların yüzde 10.9 'unun öldüğü, yüzde 5. 7 'sinin de başka bölgelere göç ettiği anlaşıldı. Hasta yakını olarak muayene edilen 400 kişinin arasında 1 yeni vak'a bulundu. Hastalarımızın yüzde 75.4 ünün ileri derecede sakat oldukları saptandı. Çoğunluğu lepramatöz tipte olan hastaların inaktif görünümlü oldukları ve ancak yüzde 16'sının basilli olduğu belirlendi. İzlenen hastaların yeni şemalara göre tedavileri düzenlendi.
193 registered patients and their close contacts were examined through field surveys in two provinces with high prevalence of leprosy and one province with low prevalence of leprosy. These provinces are in West Anatolia. It was found that among the registered patients 10.9 percent died and 5. 7 percent left the area. Among 400 close contacts examined 1 new case of leprosy diagnosed. 75.4 percent of the examined patients had higher degrees of disability (Grade II and III). Most of the patients were lepromatous and clinically inactive. However 16 percent of the patients were found positive of the patients were found positive through smear examination. Treatment of the follow-up patients was arranged according to the new schedule.
193 registered patients and their close contacts were examined through field surveys in two provinces with high prevalence of leprosy and one province with low prevalence of leprosy. These provinces are in West Anatolia. It was found that among the registered patients 10.9 percent died and 5. 7 percent left the area. Among 400 close contacts examined 1 new case of leprosy diagnosed. 75.4 percent of the examined patients had higher degrees of disability (Grade II and III). Most of the patients were lepromatous and clinically inactive. However 16 percent of the patients were found positive of the patients were found positive through smear examination. Treatment of the follow-up patients was arranged according to the new schedule.
Lepra, Hasta taramaları, Patient scans, Leprosy
Aytekin, A. H. vd. (1987). ''Lepranın endemo-sporadik olarak bulunduğu bazı batı illerimizde hasta-temaslı taramaları''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2), 129-134.