Malign testis tümörlerinde olgu karakteristikleri ve sonuçları
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Testis tümörleri histopatolojik tiplerinin çeşitliliği ve subtiplere göre değişken doğal gidiş göstermeleri ile ilgi çeken tümörlerdir. Bu çalışmada 1983 ve 1986 yılları arasında Onkoloji ve Nükleer Tıp Merkezine başvuran 194 testis tümörleri olgunun retrospektif analizi yapılmıştır. Olguların yaklaşık yasmı serninomalar oluşturmakta idi (% 51). Seminomalan % 14 ile embryonal karsinomalar, % 12 ile mixed tümörler, % 8 ile teratokarsinomalar ve teratomalar izlemekte idi. Tüm olguların yaş gruplarına göre dağılımına bakıldığında 26-35 yaş grnbunda olguların % 42'nin kümelendiği görüldü. Serninomalar ayn ele alındığında en çok olgunun % 25 ile 31-35 yaş grubunda, nonseminoma lar ayrı incelendiğinde en çok olgunun % 24.2 ile 26-30 yaş grnbunda bulunduğu saptandı. 20 yaş altındaki tüm olgular nonseminomalar idi (% 12.6). Olgu/ann % 86'sına ce"alıi tedavi olarak orşiektomi uygulanmıştı. Retroperitoneal lenf nodu disseksiyonu uygulanan olgu oram ise % 11 idi. 0lgııların % 23'ü tanı ve tedavi aşamasında CT sean ile izienirken lenfanjiografi (LAG) yapılabilen olgu oranı % 9 olarak bulundu. Tüm olgular göz önüne alındığında olgu/ann % 39'u evre 1, % 39'u evre 2 ve % 22'si evre 3 idi. Serninomalarda en çok olgu evre l'de saptanırken (% 52.5) nonseminomalarda en çok olgu % 43.2 ile evre 2'de idi. Olgu/ann % 35'ine yalnızca radyoterapi, % 33'üne yalnızca kemoterapi uygulanırken % 22 olguda kombine tedavi (kemoradyoterapi) uygulanmıştır. İzlem sağlanabilen olguların 53'ünde 58 uzak metastaz saptanmıştır. Uzak metastazlann 18'1 serninoma olgulannda (% 34), diğerleri nonseminoma olgularında ortaya çıkmıştı. En sık karşılaşılan uzak metastaz bölgesi akciğer idi. Tüm olgular için ortalama izlem 24 ± 2 (SE) ay olarak bulunurken aynı süre serninomalar için 33 ± 3 ay, nonseminoma lar için 19 ± 2 ay olarak ortaya çıkmıştır.
Testicular tumors were characterized with various histopathological subtypes and natural histories. In this study, 194 testicular tumor cases who were admitted to the Center of Oncology & Nuclear Medicine, Istanbul, between 1983 and 1986, were retrospectively analyzed. Approximately half of the cases were seminomas (51 %). Fourteen percent of the cases were embryonal carcinomas, 12 % nıixed tumors and 8 % teratocarcinomas and teratomas. Majority of all cases were found to be in 26-35 years age group (42 %). A peak was observed in 31-35 years age group in seminomas (25 %) and in 26-30 years age group in nonseminomas (24.2 % ). All cases younger than 20 were nonseminoma cases (12.6 %). Orchiectomy was the surgical procedure performed in 86 ·% of the cases. Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RLND) was performed only in ll % of the cases. CT scans were taken in 23 % and lymphangiography (LAG) was done in 9 %. 39 % of all cases were stage 1, 39 % stage 2 and 22 % stage 3. Most of the cases was in stage 1 in seminomas (52.5 %) and in stage 2 in nonseminoma mas (43,2 %). Radiotherapy alone was administered in 35 % of the cases and chemotherapy alone in 33 %. Combined modality treatment was given in 22 %. 58 distant metastases were seen in 53 patients. Eighteen of these cases (34 %) were seminomas and the rest were nonseminomas. Lung metastasis was the most commonly seen distant metastasis. Mean survival was 24 ± 2 (SE) months for all cases, 33 ± 3 months for seminoma patients and 19 ± 2 months for nonsem inoma cases.
Testicular tumors were characterized with various histopathological subtypes and natural histories. In this study, 194 testicular tumor cases who were admitted to the Center of Oncology & Nuclear Medicine, Istanbul, between 1983 and 1986, were retrospectively analyzed. Approximately half of the cases were seminomas (51 %). Fourteen percent of the cases were embryonal carcinomas, 12 % nıixed tumors and 8 % teratocarcinomas and teratomas. Majority of all cases were found to be in 26-35 years age group (42 %). A peak was observed in 31-35 years age group in seminomas (25 %) and in 26-30 years age group in nonseminomas (24.2 % ). All cases younger than 20 were nonseminoma cases (12.6 %). Orchiectomy was the surgical procedure performed in 86 ·% of the cases. Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RLND) was performed only in ll % of the cases. CT scans were taken in 23 % and lymphangiography (LAG) was done in 9 %. 39 % of all cases were stage 1, 39 % stage 2 and 22 % stage 3. Most of the cases was in stage 1 in seminomas (52.5 %) and in stage 2 in nonseminoma mas (43,2 %). Radiotherapy alone was administered in 35 % of the cases and chemotherapy alone in 33 %. Combined modality treatment was given in 22 %. 58 distant metastases were seen in 53 patients. Eighteen of these cases (34 %) were seminomas and the rest were nonseminomas. Lung metastasis was the most commonly seen distant metastasis. Mean survival was 24 ± 2 (SE) months for all cases, 33 ± 3 months for seminoma patients and 19 ± 2 months for nonsem inoma cases.
18. Ulusal Kanser Kongresinde sunulmuştur (İstanbul, Mayıs 1989).
Malign testis tümörleri, Olgu karakteristikleri, Histopatolojik, Subtiplere, Serninomalar, Teratomalar, Nonseminomalar
Engin, K. (1992). ''Malign testis tümörlerinde olgu karakteristikleri ve sonuçları''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(1), 83-91.