Çocuğu özel eğitim okuluna devam eden annelerin yaşam doyumları ile sosyal destek algıları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi
Efeoğlu, Altuğ
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu araştırmanın amacı; çocuğu özel eğitim okuluna devam eden annelerin yaşam doyumları ile sosyal destek algıları arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek ve annelerin yaşam doyumu düzeylerini, çeşitli demografik değişkenler açısından incelemektir. Araştırma 2014-2015 eğitim-öğretim yılı içerisinde Bursa ilindeki Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü'ne bağlı 7 özel eğitim okulundan eğitim alan 333 zihinsel engelli çocuğun anneleri ile korelasyonel araştırma deseni kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın verileri, annelerin kişisel bilgileri hakkında veri toplamak amacıyla demografik bilgi formu, yaşam doyum düzeylerini belirlemek amacıyla Yaşam Doyum Ölçeği ve Aile Destek Ölçeği kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Araştırmada ilk olarak annelerin demografik verilerinin frekans değerlerine, ikinci olarak yaşam doyumlarının demografik değişkenlere bağlı olarak farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığına ve son olarak annelerin sosyal destek algıları ile yaşam doyumları arasında ilişki olup olmadığına, ilişki varsa ne düzeyde olduğuna bakılmıştır. Araştırmanın analizinde, SPSS 22 paket programı kullanılarak "Bağımsız Gruplar T-Testi, Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi Testi, Tukey Çoklu Karşılaştırmalar Testi ve Pearson Korelasyon" analizi yapılmış, sonuçlar tablo halinde verilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre; annelerin yaşam doyumları ve sosyal destek algıları arasında pozitif yönde düşük bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Sosyal desteğin alt boyutlarından duygusal destek ve yaşam doyumu arasında pozitif yönde ve anlamlı ilişki bulunurken; bilgi desteği, bakım desteği, yakın ilişki desteği ve maddi destek arasındaki ilişki, negatif yönde anlamlı bulunmuştur. Ayrıca annelerin yaşının ve ev dışında bir işte çalışmalarının yaşam doyumu üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi olduğu bulunmuştur. Çalışmada elde edilen bulguların literatüre uygunluğu ve sonuçlar üzerindeki etkileri tartışılarak ileride yapılacak çalışmalara ilişkin önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between life satisfaction and social support perception of mothers whose child is going to a special education school and to examine life satisfaction level of these mothers in terms of various demographic variables. The research was conducted in 2014-2015 school year with mothers of 333 mentally challenged children receiving education from 7 special education schools under Bursa Directorate of National Education, using correlational research design. Research data were obtained using demographic information form to gather information regarding personal information of mothers, Life Satisfaction Scale and Family Support Scale to determine their level of Iife satisfaction. In the research, frequency values of mothers' demographic data were observed first and then it was assessed if their life satisfaction changed depending on demographic variables and finally it was observed if there was a relationship between mothers' social support perception and Iife satisfaction, if so, the level of the relationship was assessed. "Independent Groups T-test, One-way analysis of variance, Tukey Multiple Comparison Test and Pearson Correlation analysis" were performed using SPSS 22 package software during the analysis of the research, and the results were given on a table. According to the findings of the research; alow relationship was found betwern the life satisfaction and social support perception of mothers in the positive direction. There was a significant relationship in the positive direction between life satisfaction and emotional support which is one of the sub-dimensions of social support, whereas the relationship of life satisfaction with other sub-dimensions: informative support, care support, close relationship support and financial support was found significant in the negative direction. Moreover, it was found that mothers' age and their employment at a job outside the house had a significant impact on their life satisfaction. Conformity of the findings of this research with literature and their impacts on results were discussed, recommendations for future studies were provided.
The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between life satisfaction and social support perception of mothers whose child is going to a special education school and to examine life satisfaction level of these mothers in terms of various demographic variables. The research was conducted in 2014-2015 school year with mothers of 333 mentally challenged children receiving education from 7 special education schools under Bursa Directorate of National Education, using correlational research design. Research data were obtained using demographic information form to gather information regarding personal information of mothers, Life Satisfaction Scale and Family Support Scale to determine their level of Iife satisfaction. In the research, frequency values of mothers' demographic data were observed first and then it was assessed if their life satisfaction changed depending on demographic variables and finally it was observed if there was a relationship between mothers' social support perception and Iife satisfaction, if so, the level of the relationship was assessed. "Independent Groups T-test, One-way analysis of variance, Tukey Multiple Comparison Test and Pearson Correlation analysis" were performed using SPSS 22 package software during the analysis of the research, and the results were given on a table. According to the findings of the research; alow relationship was found betwern the life satisfaction and social support perception of mothers in the positive direction. There was a significant relationship in the positive direction between life satisfaction and emotional support which is one of the sub-dimensions of social support, whereas the relationship of life satisfaction with other sub-dimensions: informative support, care support, close relationship support and financial support was found significant in the negative direction. Moreover, it was found that mothers' age and their employment at a job outside the house had a significant impact on their life satisfaction. Conformity of the findings of this research with literature and their impacts on results were discussed, recommendations for future studies were provided.
Sosyal destek, Yaşam doyumu, Zihinsel engelli çocuk, Life satisfaction, Mentally challenged child, Social support
Efeoğlu, A. (2016). Çocuğu özel eğitim okuluna devam eden annelerin yaşam doyumları ile sosyal destek algıları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.