Genetic characterization of edible fig (Ficus carica L.) genotypes grown in Siirt region based on trnL-F region
Özdemir, Bahar
Altıntaş, Serdar
Özrenk, Koray
Çelik, Ferit
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
In this study, molecular characterization of fig genotypes grown in Siirt province was provided based on the trnL-F region. Phylogenetic trees created using NJ and UPGMA methods formed a total of 10 groups for both regions. The genotypes 10, 16, 5 and 4 from the same location were successfully separated from others, while genotype 13 of the same location were grouped in a different cluster. When the phylogenetic trees are examined, the groups differ from each other. In conclusion, genotypes with diversity should be studied in depth with further evaluations.
Siirt, Fig, Ficus carica L., Molecular systematic, trnL-F
Özdemir, B. vd. (2020). “Genetic characterization of edible fig (Ficus carica L.) genotypes grown in Siirt region based on trnL-F region”. Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences, 14(42), 137-142.