Fransa’nın Diyarbakır vilayeti’ni işgale yönelik girişimi: Albay Norman olayı
Ural, Selçuk
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Mondros Mütarekesi’nden sonra, İngiltere ve Fransa, Osmanlı Devleti’ni parçalamak için gizli anlaşmaları uygulamaya soktu. İngiltere Filistin, Irak ve Arabistan’ı kontrol altına aldı. Fransa ise, Suriye Antlaşmasına dayanarak Urfa, Maraş ve Antep’i işgal etti. Fransa bunlarla yetinmeyerek Sykes-Picot Anlaşmasında kendisine vaat edilen Diyarbakır Vilayetinin işgal etmek için girişimlerde bulunmaya başladı. Bu girişimlerden biri de Albay Norman’ın Diyarbakır Vilayetinde yaptığı seyahati. Bu çalışmada Albay Norman’ın seyahati ile 13. Kolordu Komutanlığı’nın ve bölge ahalisinin seyahate tepkisi arşiv belgeleri ışığında ortaya koyulmaya çalışıldı.
After the Moudros Armistice, England and France put into effect their secret treaty to partition the Otoman State. England controlled Phal istine, Iraq and Arabian peninsula, whereas France occupied Antep, Urfa and Maraş depending on the Syria Treaty. But this occupation was not enough for France, so that she attempted to occupy Diyarbakır, which had been promised in Sykes-Picot Treaty. One of these attempts was the Colonel Norman’s visit to Diyarbakır. This study examines the Colonel Norman’s visit, the reaction of the 13th Corps Army to this visit and of people around the region in the light of archive sources.
After the Moudros Armistice, England and France put into effect their secret treaty to partition the Otoman State. England controlled Phal istine, Iraq and Arabian peninsula, whereas France occupied Antep, Urfa and Maraş depending on the Syria Treaty. But this occupation was not enough for France, so that she attempted to occupy Diyarbakır, which had been promised in Sykes-Picot Treaty. One of these attempts was the Colonel Norman’s visit to Diyarbakır. This study examines the Colonel Norman’s visit, the reaction of the 13th Corps Army to this visit and of people around the region in the light of archive sources.
Fransa, Albay Norman, Diyarbakır, 13.Kolordu, France, Colonel Norman, 13th Corps Army
Ural, S. (2003). ''Fransa’nın Diyarbakır vilayeti’ni işgale yönelik girişimi: Albay Norman olayı''. Atatürkçü Bakış, 2(3), 43-55.