Din ve çağdaş sosyolojik kuramlar
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
20. yüzyılın sonu ve 21. yüzyılın başında din sosyolojisi teorik ve ampirik araştırmalarda dikkate değer bir büyüme kaydetmiştir. Bilimsel konsensüs modernleşme teorisi ile ilişkili erken sekülerleşme tezinin yanıltıcı ve basit olduğunu ya da öncelikle Kuzey Avrupa ile ilgili olduğunu savunmaktadır. Avrupa çerçevesinin ötesinde, dinin toplum, kültür ve siyasette önemli bir rol oynamaya devam ettiğine dair yeterli kanıt bulunmaktadır. Gelişmekte olan dünyada kentleşme ile birlikte dindarlıkta ve dini canlanmada artış meydana gelmiştir. Din, bu yüzyılda tüm dünyada siyasi ve ideolojik mücadelelerde önemli bir faktör olacaktır. Bununla birlikte, bu siyasal çatışmalara odaklanmanın olumsuz yönlerinden biri, radikal İslam ve dini şiddetin diğer tezahürleri üzerine aşırı yoğunlaşmış olmasıdır.
In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the sociology of religion enjoyed a remarkable growth in both theory and empirical research. The scholarly consensus argues that the early secularization thesis associated with modernization theory was misleading and simplistic, or that it was primarily relevant to northern Europe. Beyond the European framework, there is ample evidence that religion continues to play a major role in society, culture and politics. With urbanization in the developing world, there has come increasing piety and religious revivalism. Religion will be a major factor in political and ideological struggles across the globe in this century. One negative aspect of this focus on political conflict, however, has been an over-concentration on radical Islam and other manifestations of religious violence.
In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the sociology of religion enjoyed a remarkable growth in both theory and empirical research. The scholarly consensus argues that the early secularization thesis associated with modernization theory was misleading and simplistic, or that it was primarily relevant to northern Europe. Beyond the European framework, there is ample evidence that religion continues to play a major role in society, culture and politics. With urbanization in the developing world, there has come increasing piety and religious revivalism. Religion will be a major factor in political and ideological struggles across the globe in this century. One negative aspect of this focus on political conflict, however, has been an over-concentration on radical Islam and other manifestations of religious violence.
Tüketim, Küreselleşme, Maddecilik, Post-sekülerleşme, Halk dinleri, Sekülerleşme, Maneviyat, Consumerism, Globalization, Materiality, Post-secularization, Public religions, Secularization, Spirituality
Turner, B. S. (2018). "Din ve çağdaş sosyolojik kuramlar". çev. Yasemin Davarcı. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 27(2), 203-224.