İkizlerde spondiloepifizyal displazi tarda
Çekmez, Ferhat
Pirgon, Mustafa Özgür
Tanju, İlhan Asya
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Giriş: Spondiloepifizyal displazi (SED) sıklıkla erken başlangıçlı osteoartrozis ile ilişkili genetik heterojen bir bozukluktur. X-kromozomu bağımlı resesif formu erkekleri etkiler ve kısa boy, boyu geçen kulaç boyu ve fıçı göğüs deformitesi ile karakterizedir. Radyografik olarak, vertebral cisimlerin hörgüç benzeri deformitesi ve kalça artrozunun erken belirtisi olan femur başının hafif epifizyel displazisi izlenir. Bu bozukluk Xp22.12-p22.31 kromozomunun SEDL (sedlin) genindeki mutasyonlar sonucunda oluşur. Erken primer bilateral osteoartrozu olan erkeklerde SED ayırıcı tanıda mutlaka akıllarda olmalıdır. Olgu Sunumu: Yürümekle kalçada oluşan ağrı, uzun süre yürüyememe ve ayakta duramama, aksayarak yürüme şikayetleri ile başvuran ve SED tanısı alan 11 yaşındaki ikiz erkek kardeşler sunulmuştur. Tartışma: Kalça, bel ağrıları ve yürümede bozukluk şikayetleriyle başvuran hastalarda nadir görülen bu iskelet displazileri düşünülmelidir.
Introduction: Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SED) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder often associated with the early onset of osteoarthrosis. The X-linked recessive form (SEDL) affects boys and is characterized by reduced height, arm span exceeding total height, and barrel chest deformity. The radiographic phenotype comprises a hump-shaped deformity of vertebral bodies and mild epiphyseal dysplasia of the femoral head associated with early signs of hip arthrosis.The disorder is caused by mutations in the SEDL (or sedlin) gene on Xp22.12-p22.31. SED should be kept in mind as a differential diagnosis in men with early “primary” bilateral osteoarthrosis. Case Report: Here, 11 years old twins diagnosed as SED due to walking disability, limitation of joint motion, pain at the hips and disability in standing for a long time were presented. Discussion: This rare skelatal dysplasia must be kept in mind in patients with painful spine and hip joints, and walking disability.
Introduction: Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SED) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder often associated with the early onset of osteoarthrosis. The X-linked recessive form (SEDL) affects boys and is characterized by reduced height, arm span exceeding total height, and barrel chest deformity. The radiographic phenotype comprises a hump-shaped deformity of vertebral bodies and mild epiphyseal dysplasia of the femoral head associated with early signs of hip arthrosis.The disorder is caused by mutations in the SEDL (or sedlin) gene on Xp22.12-p22.31. SED should be kept in mind as a differential diagnosis in men with early “primary” bilateral osteoarthrosis. Case Report: Here, 11 years old twins diagnosed as SED due to walking disability, limitation of joint motion, pain at the hips and disability in standing for a long time were presented. Discussion: This rare skelatal dysplasia must be kept in mind in patients with painful spine and hip joints, and walking disability.
Osteoartroz, Spondiloepifizyal displazi tarda, Perthes, İkiz, Osteoarthrosis, Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda, Twins
Çekmez, F. vd. (2011). "İkizlerde spondiloepifizyal displazi tarda". Güncel Pediatri, 9(2), 97-99.