Etlik piliçlerde hidrate sodyum kalsiyum aluminosilikat’ın kursak içi yolla uygulanan enrofloksasinin farmakokinetiği üzerine etkisi
Şahan, Seyhan
Kaya, Sezai
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, yemlerinde %1,5 hidrate sodyum kalsiyum aluminosilikat (HSCAS) içeren ve HSCAS içermeyen yemle beslenen etlik piliçlerde, enrofloksasinin farmakokinetiği incelenmiştir. Çalışmada 28 günlük 21 erkek civciv kullanılmıştır. Her birinde 7 hayvan olmak üzere üç grup (Grup 1-3) oluşturulmuştur. Grup 1 ve 2’deki hayvanlar HSCAS içermeyen, Grup 3’teki hayvanlar ise %1.5 HSCAS içeren yemle 3 gün beslenmiştir. Enrofloksasin, 10 mg/kg dozda, Grup 1’deki hayvanlara damar içi, Grup 2 ve 3’tekilere kursak içi yolla uygulanmıştır. İlacın plazmadaki yoğunluklarının belirlenmesi amacı ile ilaç uygulamasını takiben, Grup 1’dekilerden 0,083-36 saatler arasında, Grup 2 ve 3’tekilerden 0,25-36 saatler arasında heparinli tüplere kan alınarak plazmaları ayrılmıştır. Plazmada ilaç yoğunluklarının tespitinde agar jel disk diffüzyon metodu kullanılmıştır. İlacın Dİ verilmesini takiben belirlenen plazma yoğunluğu-zaman eğrisinden ilacın vücutta 2-bölmeli dışarıya açık modele göre dağıldığı anlaşılarak farmakokinetik hesaplamalar buna göre yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, toksin bağlayıcı olarak yeme katılan HSCAS’ın, enrofloksasinin kursak içi yolla uygulanması durumunda, emilimini önemli ölçüde engellediği belirlenmiştir
This research was aimed to determine whether the pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin would show any changes in broiler chickens fed with feed including %1.5 hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS) and normal feed (without HSCAS). 28-day old total 21 male chicks were used. Three main groups (Group 1-3) were designed including 7 animals in each. The animals in Group 1 and 2 fed with normal feed, in Group 3 fed with feed including % 1.5 HSCAS for three days. 10 mg/kg enrofloxacin was given to Group 1 intravenous, to Group 2 and 3 intracrop. Following the drug administration, the blood samples were taken into heparinased tubes at 0.083 to 36 hours from Group 1, at 0.25 to 36 hours from Groups 2 and 3 in order to determine the plasma levels of the drug. The enrofloxacin concentration level in plasma was determined by agar-gel disc diffusion method. The plasma concentration-time curve, determined after the administration of enrofloxacin intravenous, showed that the drug distributed according to two-compartment open model. It was concluded that HSCAS which was supplemented to feed as an adsorbent made significant decrease in the absorption of the drug given intracrop.
This research was aimed to determine whether the pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin would show any changes in broiler chickens fed with feed including %1.5 hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS) and normal feed (without HSCAS). 28-day old total 21 male chicks were used. Three main groups (Group 1-3) were designed including 7 animals in each. The animals in Group 1 and 2 fed with normal feed, in Group 3 fed with feed including % 1.5 HSCAS for three days. 10 mg/kg enrofloxacin was given to Group 1 intravenous, to Group 2 and 3 intracrop. Following the drug administration, the blood samples were taken into heparinased tubes at 0.083 to 36 hours from Group 1, at 0.25 to 36 hours from Groups 2 and 3 in order to determine the plasma levels of the drug. The enrofloxacin concentration level in plasma was determined by agar-gel disc diffusion method. The plasma concentration-time curve, determined after the administration of enrofloxacin intravenous, showed that the drug distributed according to two-compartment open model. It was concluded that HSCAS which was supplemented to feed as an adsorbent made significant decrease in the absorption of the drug given intracrop.
Enrofloksasin, Etlik piliç, Farmakokinetik, Hidrate sodyum kalsiyum aluminosilikat, Broiler, Enrofloxacin, Hhydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate, Pharmacokinetic
Şahan, S ve Kaya S. (2005). "Etlik piliçlerde hidrate sodyum kalsiyum aluminosilikat’ın kursak içi yolla uygulanan enrofloksasinin farmakokinetiği üzerine etkisi". Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(1-2-3-4), 59-63.