Yeme bozukluğu olan çocuğa yaklaşım
Kurt, Esra
Örün, Emel
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çocukluk döneminde sık görülen yeme problemleri sağlıklı çocuklarda %25- 45 oranında görülürken, gelişim geriliği olan çocuklarda bu oran %80’e kadar çıkmaktadır. Sağlıklı çocuklarda yapılan çalışmalarda ebeveynlerin %20-60’ının çocuklarının yeteri kadar yemediğini düşündükleri belirtilmiştir. Yoğun tıbbi ve davranışçı tedavi gerektiren ciddi yeme bozuklukları çocukların %3-10’unda görülmektedir. Bu gözden geçirme yazısında yeme problemi ile getirilen çocuğun değerlendirilme ve izlenme süreçlerinden bahsedilmiştir.
Feeding problems in childhood are common, occurring in 25-45% of healthy children and the ratio can be increased up to 80% in children with growth deficiency. Studies with healthy children reported that 20-60% of parents think that their children don’t eat enough. Serious eating disorders which requires intensive medical and behaviour treatment is seen in 3-10% of children. In this review, approach and follow up of a child who was brought to the hospital with feeding problems was studied.
Feeding problems in childhood are common, occurring in 25-45% of healthy children and the ratio can be increased up to 80% in children with growth deficiency. Studies with healthy children reported that 20-60% of parents think that their children don’t eat enough. Serious eating disorders which requires intensive medical and behaviour treatment is seen in 3-10% of children. In this review, approach and follow up of a child who was brought to the hospital with feeding problems was studied.
Yeme problemi, İştah, Çocuk, Feeding problems, Appetite, Child
Kurt, E. ve Örün, E. (2016). "Yeme bozukluğu olan çocuğa yaklaşım". Güncel Pediatri, 14(3), 129-135.