Koyun yetiştiriciliğinin ekonomi politiği
Günaydın, Gökhan
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de hayvancılığın önemli bir dalı olan koyunculuk alt sektörünün ekonomi politik analizinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Koyunlar, mera ve otlaklardaki doğal vejetasyonu insanların beslenmesi için gerekli et ve süt gibi gıdalara dönüştürürler. Ayrıca, giyim eşyalarının yapımında kullanılan yapağı ve deri gibi ürünleri de üretirler. 2007 yılı itibariyle dünyada 1,1 milyar koyun bulunmakta ve bunlardan yaklaşık 8.9 milyon ton et üretilmektedir. Çin 172 milyonluk koyun varlığı ile dünyanın en çok koyun yetiştirilen ülkesidir. Türkiye 25 milyonluk koyun varlığı ile dünyada 9. sırada yer almaktadır. 1980’li yılların başında 48.6 milyon olan koyun sayısı, tarımda uygulanan neo-liberal politikalar sonucu günümüzde 25.5 milyona gerilemiştir. Türkiye koyunculuğu Dünya Ticaret Örgütü Tarım Anlaşmaları ve Avrupa Birliği Ortak Tarım Politikasının üstlenilmesi sürecinden doğrudan etkilenecek bir konumdadır. Hayvancılık sektöründe AB’ye karşı rekabetçi olunan tek alt sektör olmakla birlikte, AB Ortak Gümrük Tarifesi’nin üstlenilmesi durumunda Türkiye’nin dünyaya karşı rekabetçilik konumu ekonomik konjonktüre göre değişebilir bir yapı sergileyecektir. Ayrıca küresel ısınma, küçük köylülüğün yeniden üretimi ve köylerden kentlere göç tartışmalarında da koyunculuk ana başlıklardan birini oluşturmaktadır.
In this study, it is aimed to discuss the economic and political analysis of the sheep breeding in Turkey which is sub sector of animal husbandry. The sheep convert the natural vegetation of pastures and grasslands to food such as meat and milk which is necessary for human feeding. They also produce the products such as wool and leather which are used in production of clothing. Considering 2007 there are nearly 1.1 billion sheep in the world and 8.9 million tones of red meat is produced from them. China is the first contry in the world with 172 million of sheep. Turkey, with 25 million of sheep is the ninth in the world. As a result of neo - liberal policies in agriculture the number of the sheep which was 48.6 million in the first years of 80s has decreased to 25.5 million. Turkey’s sheep breeding is in a position which effected directly from the World Trade Organisation Agricultural Agreements and European Union Common Agricultural Policies. Although it was the only one sub- sector of animal husbandry which has competetion power to EU, while the process of having EU Common Customs Tariffs, competition advantages againts the world’s remains will be change by economical conjuncture. Beside that, sheep breeding is a main title of arguement on global warming, re – production of small peasant and migration from the villages to cities.
In this study, it is aimed to discuss the economic and political analysis of the sheep breeding in Turkey which is sub sector of animal husbandry. The sheep convert the natural vegetation of pastures and grasslands to food such as meat and milk which is necessary for human feeding. They also produce the products such as wool and leather which are used in production of clothing. Considering 2007 there are nearly 1.1 billion sheep in the world and 8.9 million tones of red meat is produced from them. China is the first contry in the world with 172 million of sheep. Turkey, with 25 million of sheep is the ninth in the world. As a result of neo - liberal policies in agriculture the number of the sheep which was 48.6 million in the first years of 80s has decreased to 25.5 million. Turkey’s sheep breeding is in a position which effected directly from the World Trade Organisation Agricultural Agreements and European Union Common Agricultural Policies. Although it was the only one sub- sector of animal husbandry which has competetion power to EU, while the process of having EU Common Customs Tariffs, competition advantages againts the world’s remains will be change by economical conjuncture. Beside that, sheep breeding is a main title of arguement on global warming, re – production of small peasant and migration from the villages to cities.
Rekabet,, Ortak Gümrük Tarifesi, Dünya Ticaret Örgütü, Küçük köylülük, Gıda egemenliği, Competition, Common Custom Tariffs, World Trade Organisation, Small scale farmers, Food sovereignty
Günaydın, G. (2009). "Koyun yetiştiriciliğinin ekonomi politiği". Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 15-32.