Küçük hayvanlarda sintigrafi uygulamaları
Sarıerler, Murat
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Sintigrafi, klinisyenin teşhisini destekleyen, spesifik, hassas ve zararsız bir tanısal görüntüleme yöntemidir. Sintigrafi uygulamasında ihtiyaç duyulan radyoaktivite miktarının az olması nedeniyle, hastanın fazla radyasyon alma riski göz ardı edilebilir. Ayrıca radyasyon güvenliği açısından uygun tedbirler alındığında personel için de risk çok düşüktür. Sintigrafi öncelikle iskelet sisteminin fizyolojik (kemik protezleri ve greftlerinin damarsal yapılarının değerlendirilmesi) ya da patolojik durumlarının (primer ya da metastazik kemik tümörleri, metabolik ya da enfeksiyöz kemik hastalıkları, basınç ya da avulziyon kırıkları gibi gizli ortopedik travmalar, avasküler nekroz ve osteoartritis) belirlenmesi olmak üzere pek çok sistem ve organın fonksiyonlarının (kalp, karaciğer, akciğer, böbrek, tiroid, beyin, lenf) değerlendirilmesinde, tümörlerin belirlenmesinde, yangısal barsak hastalıkları, osteomyelitis, septik artritis, diskospondilitis ve romatoid artritis gibi olgulardan şüphelenilen hayvanlarda septik ya da yangısal odağın varlığının ya da yerinin belirlenmesinde bu teknik kullanılabilmekte ve yararlı bilgiler vermektedir. Sintigrafi; radyografi, ultrasonografi ve endoskopi gibi tanı metotlarıyla benzerlik göstermesine karşın, diğer üç yöntemle çoğunlukla morfolojik yapılar görüntülenebilirken sintigrafi ile fizyolojik bilgiler sağlanmaktadır. Bu derlemede, küçük hayvanlarda sintigrafinin endikasyon alanları ve en yaygın kullanılan klinik muayene protokolleri tanımlanırken, cihaz, radyofarmasötiğin hazırlanışı, farmakokinetik ve radyasyon güvenliği ile ilgili bilgi verilmemiştir.
Scintigraphy is a spesific, sensitive and noninvasive diagnostic imaging which was support the clinician’s diagnosis. Because of the small amounts of radioactivity needed performing scintigraphy there is negligible risk of excessive radiation exposure to patient. Risk for personnel is also minimal, when appropriate radiation safety practice is established. Scintigraphy was primarily used for evaluation of physiological (evaluation of vascularity of bone prosthesis and bone grafts), and pathological (primary or metastatic bone tumors, metabolic or infectious bone disorders, occult orthopedic trauma including avulsion fractures and stress fractures, avascular necrosis, osteoarthritis) conditions of skeletal system, however it also been used for the evaluation of functions of different many organs and systems (heart, liver, lung, kidney, thyroid, brain and lymph), detection of tumor and to identify and determine the localization of any inflammatory or septic focus in animals with suspected inflammatory bowel diseases, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, discospondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis, and give useful data. Scintigraphy is similar to some diagnostic methods such as radiography, ultrasonography and endoscopy, however in all these methods, mostly morphological structures can be visualized whereas physiological data are able to be gathered by scintigraphy. In present review, indications and most frequently applied clinical examination protocols in small animals are described, nevertheless procedural details about instrumentation, radiopharmaceutical preparations, pharmacokinetic and radiation safety are not mentioned.
Scintigraphy is a spesific, sensitive and noninvasive diagnostic imaging which was support the clinician’s diagnosis. Because of the small amounts of radioactivity needed performing scintigraphy there is negligible risk of excessive radiation exposure to patient. Risk for personnel is also minimal, when appropriate radiation safety practice is established. Scintigraphy was primarily used for evaluation of physiological (evaluation of vascularity of bone prosthesis and bone grafts), and pathological (primary or metastatic bone tumors, metabolic or infectious bone disorders, occult orthopedic trauma including avulsion fractures and stress fractures, avascular necrosis, osteoarthritis) conditions of skeletal system, however it also been used for the evaluation of functions of different many organs and systems (heart, liver, lung, kidney, thyroid, brain and lymph), detection of tumor and to identify and determine the localization of any inflammatory or septic focus in animals with suspected inflammatory bowel diseases, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, discospondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis, and give useful data. Scintigraphy is similar to some diagnostic methods such as radiography, ultrasonography and endoscopy, however in all these methods, mostly morphological structures can be visualized whereas physiological data are able to be gathered by scintigraphy. In present review, indications and most frequently applied clinical examination protocols in small animals are described, nevertheless procedural details about instrumentation, radiopharmaceutical preparations, pharmacokinetic and radiation safety are not mentioned.
Sintigrafi, Scintigraphy, Küçük hayvan, Technetium 99m (99mTc), Metilen difosfonat (MDP), Dietilenetriamin pentaasetik asit (DTPA), Small animal, Technetium 99m (99mTc), Methylen diphosphonate (MDP), Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)
Sarıerler, M. (2005). "Küçük hayvanlarda sintigrafi uygulamaları". Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(1-2-3), 111-117