Çocukluk çağı tüberkülozunda tanı sorunları
Uyan, Ayten Pamukçu
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çocuklarda tüberkülozun doğal seyri ve klinik bulguları, erişkinlerde görülen hastalıktan belirgin olarak farklıdır. Çocuklar, hastalığın daha az spesifik bulgu ve semptomlarına ve de daha az pozitif mikobakteriyel kültüre sahiptir. Bu nedenle, çocukluk çağında tüberkülozun tanısı oldukça zordur ve nadiren kanıtlanır, çoğunlukla klinik bulgulara, semptomlara ve özel araştırmalara dayandırılır. Bu derlemede, çocuklarda tüberkülozun tanı kriterleri bir kez daha vurgulanmıştır.
The natural history and clinical manifestations of tuberculosis in children differ significantly from those of the disease seen in adults. Children have less specific signs and symptoms of disease and fewer positive mycobacterial cultures. Therefore, the diagnosis of tuberculosis in childhood is quite difficult, seldom confirmed and is based mainly on clinical signs, symptoms and special investigations. In this review, diagnostic criterions of tuberculosis in children were emphasized.
The natural history and clinical manifestations of tuberculosis in children differ significantly from those of the disease seen in adults. Children have less specific signs and symptoms of disease and fewer positive mycobacterial cultures. Therefore, the diagnosis of tuberculosis in childhood is quite difficult, seldom confirmed and is based mainly on clinical signs, symptoms and special investigations. In this review, diagnostic criterions of tuberculosis in children were emphasized.
Tüberküloz, Çocukluk çağı, Tanı, Tuberculosis, Childhood, Diagnosis
Uyan, A. P. (2008). "Çocukluk çağı tüberkülozunda tanı sorunları". Güncel Pediatri, 6(1), 26-30.