Demans hastalarında 12 haftalık pilates eğitiminin bilişsel sürece etkisi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmanın amacı hafif demansı hastası kadınlara uygulanan, 12 haftalık pilates eğitimin (mat, esneklik, pilates band) bilişsel süreçler üzerinde etkisi olup olmadığı ortaykoymaktır. Araştırmamıza günlük fiziksel aktiviteleri dışından her hangi bir aktivitesi olmayan Trabzon ve Bursa huzurevlerinde en az 1 yıldır bulunan 26 hafif demans kadın olgu yer almıştır. 65 (yıl) yaş üstü 26 hafif demans kadın olgu n=13 deney, n=13 kontrol grubuna ayrıldıktan sonra 12 hafta boyunca, haftada 3 gün ardışık olmayan günlerde 30-45 dakika arasında süre ile pilates eğitimi (pilates bandı, nefes egzersizleri ve mat egzersizleri ile kuvvet, denge, dayanıklılık ve stretching egzersizlerini içeren) uygulanmıştır. Kontrol grubuna her hangi bir eğitim programı uygulanmadı. Bilişsel süreçler için Standardize Mini Mental Test (SMMT), Stroop Test, olguların fiziksel özelliklerini ölçmek için Tinetti (denge ve yürüme) Testi, boy(cm), vücut ağırlığı(kg), fizyolojik ölçümler nabız (atım/dk), tansiyon(mmHg) ölçümleri alındı. İlk test ölçümleri 12 haftalık pilates eğitimine başlamadan üç gün önce, son test ölçümleri 12 haftalık pilates eğitimi bittikten üç gün sonra alınmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel analizlerinin yapılmasında SPSS 25,0 istatistik programı kullanıldı. Grupların ön test ve son test ölçümleri arasındaki istatistiksel farkların anlamlılık düzeylerinin tespit edilmesinde, veriler normal dağılım göstermişse "paired samples t-test", veriler normal dağılım göstermemişse "Wilcoxon" kullanıldı. Farklı gruplara ait ölçümler arasındaki istatistiksel farkların anlamlılık düzeyleri ise, veriler normal dağılım göstermişse "İndependent Samples T-Test", veriler normal dağılım göstermemişse "Mann-Whitney U Test" ile tespit edildi. Grupların genel özelliklerini tespit etmek amacıyla tanımlayıcı istatistik uygulandı. Değişkenlere ait ön test ve son test karşılaştırmaları sonucunda görülen farklılıklar p<0,05 anlamlılık düzeyinde yorumlanmıştır. Bilişsel süreçleri ölçen SMMT deney grubu ön test ölçüm, 19,69±3,43 son test ölçüm 21,38±3,25 p=0,000, kontrol grubu ön test ölçüm 20,08±3,52, son test ölçüm 19,54±2,88, p=0,085 olarak bulunmuştur. Stroop Test deney grubu 1.kart ön test 29,46±11,28(sn), son test 27,83±10,72(sn) p=0,006 2. kart ölçümleri ön test 36,48±13,16(sn), son test 35,12±13,28(sn) p=0,186 3.kart ölçümleri ön test 33,82±13,03(sn), son test 30,67±11,69(sn) p=0,005 olarak saptanmıştır. Kontrol grubu 1.kart ön test 32,96±15,31(sn), son test 35,25±15,26(sn) p=0,239, 2.kart ön test 37,72±16,47(sn) ,son test 39,57±15,35(sn) p=0,530(sn), 3.kart ön test 33,51±15,15(sn), son test 37,57±15,68(sn) p=0,031 olarak saptanmıştır. Egzersizin demans hastası kadınlara fiziksel olarak etki edip etmediğini ölçmek için Tinetti (Denge ve Yürüme ) testi kullanıldı. Pilates eğitimi uygulanan grubunun ön test Tinetti toplam puanı 17,62±1,61, son test ölçümü 19,23±1,36 p=0,000 saptanmıştır. Kontrol grubu ön test 18,38±1,45, son test 18,38±1,45 p=1,000 olarak saptanmıştır. Tüm ölçümlerin yorumlanması ön test-son test ortalama değerleri (p<0,05) olarak değerlendirildi. Sonuç olarak 65 yaş üstü hafif Demanslı kadın hastalara, 12 hafta boyunca pilates mat eğitimi uygulanmış, deney grubunda bilişsel, fiziksel ve fizyolojik ölçümlerinde anlamlı farklar saptanırken, p<0,005, pilates eğitimi uygulanmayan kontrol grubundaki hastaların ölçümlerinde anlamlı farklara rastlanmamıştır.
The aim of this study is to claim if there an effect of 12 weeks pilates education on cognitive process on the female patients with mild dementia. In this study there are 26 female patients with mild dementia. They live at least for a year in nursing home Bursa and Trabzon, in which they have no any activities but their daily physical activities. After they are seperated two groups which one of them is n=13 experimental groups and the other one is n=13 control groups, at the age of 65 and over these, 26 female patients with mild dementia is given pilates education (pilates band, breathing exercises, mat exercises, balance, endurance and stretchig) for 12 weeks three days in every other day in a week. These exercises last between 30-45 minutes. No educational program is performed by control group. It is made for cognitive processes used Standartize Mini Mental Test (SMMT), Stroop Test, for physical features of patients Tinetti Test (balance-walking), height(cm), weight(kg), physiological measures such as pulse (beat/min),blood pressure (mmHg). First test measurement are performed 3 days ago before starting 12 weeks pilates education, second ones are measured 3 days later when 12 weeks pilates education completes. SPSS 25,0 statistical program is used for the clates of statistical analyses. To clarify the significance levels of statistical differences between pre-test and post-test analyses of the groups is used either "paired samples t-test " if the datas have normal distribution or "Wilcoxon " if the datas have no normal distribution. The significance levels of statistical differences which belong to measures of different groups are used either "Independent Samples T-Test " if the datas show normal distribution if not "Mann-Whitney U Test ", with the aim of determining the general features of groups is made descriptive statics. It is commented that the differences at the end of samples of pre-post test belong to factors. The results of SMMT which measure cognitive process are found as experimental group's pre-test result 19,69±3,43 post test result 21,38±3,25 p=0,000, control group pre-test result 20,08±3,52, post-test 19,54±2,88, p=0,085.In Stroop Test process of experimental groups are found that 1.carte pre test 29,46±11,28(sec), post test 27,83±10,72(sec) p=0,006, 2. carte pre test 36,48±13,16(sec), post test 35,12±13,28(sec) p=0,186, 3.carte pre test 33,82±13,03(sec), post test 30,67±11,69(sn) p=0,005. In Stroop Test process of control groups are found that 1.cartes pre test 32,96±15,31(sec), post test 35,25±15,26(sec) p=0,239, 2.cart pre test 37,72±16,47(sec) ,post test 39,57±15,35(sec) p=0,530(sec), 3.carte pre test 33,51±15,15(sec), post test 37,57±15,68(sec) p=0,031. Tinetti Test (balance-walking) was used to measure if the exercises were effective as physically on females with dementia. It is determined that pre test Tinetti total points of the group with them was made pilates is 17,62±1,61, post test result is 19,23±1,36 p=0,000. And the results of control group are pre test 18,38±1,45, post test 18,38±1,45 p=1,000. All measures, pre test and post test values were evaluated over (p <0,05). As a result after 12 weeks pilates mat education, significant differences (p <0,005) were observed on cognitive, physical and physiological measures of experimental group in which there are 26 female patients with mild dementia at 65 years old and over. The measures of control group which was not given pilates education were not observed signifcant differences.
The aim of this study is to claim if there an effect of 12 weeks pilates education on cognitive process on the female patients with mild dementia. In this study there are 26 female patients with mild dementia. They live at least for a year in nursing home Bursa and Trabzon, in which they have no any activities but their daily physical activities. After they are seperated two groups which one of them is n=13 experimental groups and the other one is n=13 control groups, at the age of 65 and over these, 26 female patients with mild dementia is given pilates education (pilates band, breathing exercises, mat exercises, balance, endurance and stretchig) for 12 weeks three days in every other day in a week. These exercises last between 30-45 minutes. No educational program is performed by control group. It is made for cognitive processes used Standartize Mini Mental Test (SMMT), Stroop Test, for physical features of patients Tinetti Test (balance-walking), height(cm), weight(kg), physiological measures such as pulse (beat/min),blood pressure (mmHg). First test measurement are performed 3 days ago before starting 12 weeks pilates education, second ones are measured 3 days later when 12 weeks pilates education completes. SPSS 25,0 statistical program is used for the clates of statistical analyses. To clarify the significance levels of statistical differences between pre-test and post-test analyses of the groups is used either "paired samples t-test " if the datas have normal distribution or "Wilcoxon " if the datas have no normal distribution. The significance levels of statistical differences which belong to measures of different groups are used either "Independent Samples T-Test " if the datas show normal distribution if not "Mann-Whitney U Test ", with the aim of determining the general features of groups is made descriptive statics. It is commented that the differences at the end of samples of pre-post test belong to factors. The results of SMMT which measure cognitive process are found as experimental group's pre-test result 19,69±3,43 post test result 21,38±3,25 p=0,000, control group pre-test result 20,08±3,52, post-test 19,54±2,88, p=0,085.In Stroop Test process of experimental groups are found that 1.carte pre test 29,46±11,28(sec), post test 27,83±10,72(sec) p=0,006, 2. carte pre test 36,48±13,16(sec), post test 35,12±13,28(sec) p=0,186, 3.carte pre test 33,82±13,03(sec), post test 30,67±11,69(sn) p=0,005. In Stroop Test process of control groups are found that 1.cartes pre test 32,96±15,31(sec), post test 35,25±15,26(sec) p=0,239, 2.cart pre test 37,72±16,47(sec) ,post test 39,57±15,35(sec) p=0,530(sec), 3.carte pre test 33,51±15,15(sec), post test 37,57±15,68(sec) p=0,031. Tinetti Test (balance-walking) was used to measure if the exercises were effective as physically on females with dementia. It is determined that pre test Tinetti total points of the group with them was made pilates is 17,62±1,61, post test result is 19,23±1,36 p=0,000. And the results of control group are pre test 18,38±1,45, post test 18,38±1,45 p=1,000. All measures, pre test and post test values were evaluated over (p <0,05). As a result after 12 weeks pilates mat education, significant differences (p <0,005) were observed on cognitive, physical and physiological measures of experimental group in which there are 26 female patients with mild dementia at 65 years old and over. The measures of control group which was not given pilates education were not observed signifcant differences.
Demans, Pilates, Alzheimer, Bilişsel süreç, Dementia, Cognitive process
Çağlar, S. (2019). Demans hastalarında 12 haftalık pilates eğitiminin bilişsel sürece etkisi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.