Arap edebiyâtı bağlamında edebiyât kavramına analitik bir bakış
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu makalede Arap edebiyâtı bağlamında edebiyât kavramının hem etimolojisi ile ilgili olarak yapılan farklı yorum ve değerlendirmeler örnekleriyle ele alınıp analiz edilmiş, hem de bu kavramın geçirdiği evrelere uygun olarak yer verilen değişik sözlük anlamları ve klasik izah ve tanımlamaları ile çağdaş tanımları, somut örnekleme ve mukayeseler ışığında incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu çerçevede söz konusu kavramın, farklı yaklaşımlara konu olan Arapça etimolojisi kadar, sözlük anlamlarının çokluğuna ve içinden geçtiği tarihsel evrelere bağlı olarak yapılan farklı klasik ve çağdaş terimsel tanım ve izahlarıyla da bir hayli karmaşık ve tartışmalı bir alan oluşturduğu görülmüştür. Türk, Fars ve Batı edebiyâtlarıyla da kısmen ilişkilendirilerek ele alınan edebiyât kavramının, kendisiyle bağlantılı diğer pek çok kavram ve terime kaynaklık ettiğine de ayrıca işaret etmek gerekir.
In this article, in relation with Arabic Literature, both with different commentaries and assessments related with its etymology with their examples term of literature is dealt up and also various dictionary meanings and classical explanations and definitions and contemporary definitions appropriated to stages of this term passed through in light of concrete sampling and comparisons are tried to examine. In this frame, as its Arabic etymology has been a matter of different approaches, abundance of its dictionary meanings and with its different classical and contemporary terminological definitions and explanations related with its historical stages as passed through it has been noticed that it constitutes a very much complex field. Literature term partially associated with Turkish, Persian and Western Literature has been dealt up, it must also be marked that it has been a source for many other terms and expressions related with itself.
In this article, in relation with Arabic Literature, both with different commentaries and assessments related with its etymology with their examples term of literature is dealt up and also various dictionary meanings and classical explanations and definitions and contemporary definitions appropriated to stages of this term passed through in light of concrete sampling and comparisons are tried to examine. In this frame, as its Arabic etymology has been a matter of different approaches, abundance of its dictionary meanings and with its different classical and contemporary terminological definitions and explanations related with its historical stages as passed through it has been noticed that it constitutes a very much complex field. Literature term partially associated with Turkish, Persian and Western Literature has been dealt up, it must also be marked that it has been a source for many other terms and expressions related with itself.
Arap, Edebiyât, Etimoloji, Kavram, Tanımlar, Arabic, Literature, Etymology, Term, Definitions
Yalar, M. (2005). "Arap edebiyâtı bağlamında edebiyât kavramına analitik bir bakış". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2), 1-23.