Civa zehirlenmeleri
Akcan, A. Barış
Dursun, Oğuz
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Civa (Hg), ticari ve tıbbi olarak yüzyıllardır kullanılmaktadır. Civa toksitesi, tüm dünyada büyüyen bir sağlık problemidir. Civa zehirlenmesinin tipi ve ciddiyeti, farklı farmakokinetik özellikleri nedeniyle civanın formuna ve maruziyet yoluna bağlıdır. Civanın tüm kimyasal formları toksik bulgulara neden olabilir. Ciddi zehirlenmelerde sinir sistemi, böbrekler, solunum sistemi, immun sistem, ağız, diş ve diş etleri ile cilt etkilenmektedir. Tanı, öykü, bulgu ve laboratuvar sonuçları ile konur. Bu derleme, civa toksitesini, civa toksitesine güncel yaklaşımları ve klinik bulgularını ele almaktadır.
Mercury (Hg) has been used commercially and medically for centuries. Exposure to toxic mercury (Hg) is a growing health hazard throughout the world today. Type and serious of mercury toxicity depends on the form of mercury and exposure way. All chemical forms of mercury can be toxic. In ser›ous toxicity of mercury nervous system, kidneys, respiratory system, immune system, mouth, tooth and periodontal tissues, skin are effected. Diagnosis was made by the help of history, datas and laboratory results. This article reviews the toxicology of mercury, current exposures and clinical manifestations.
Mercury (Hg) has been used commercially and medically for centuries. Exposure to toxic mercury (Hg) is a growing health hazard throughout the world today. Type and serious of mercury toxicity depends on the form of mercury and exposure way. All chemical forms of mercury can be toxic. In ser›ous toxicity of mercury nervous system, kidneys, respiratory system, immune system, mouth, tooth and periodontal tissues, skin are effected. Diagnosis was made by the help of history, datas and laboratory results. This article reviews the toxicology of mercury, current exposures and clinical manifestations.
Civa, Hg, Toksiste, Mercury, Toxicity
Akcan, A. B. ve Dursun, O. (2008). "Civa zehirlenmeleri". Güncel Pediatri, 6(2), 72-75.