Demokrasi, hesap verme sorumluluğu ve hükümet modelleri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Çağdaş demokrasilerin temel özelliklerinden sorumlu/hesap verebilir hükümet ilkesi, hukuk devleti ve kuvvetler ayrılığı gibi anayasal demokrasinin temel ilkeleriyle yakından ilişkilidir. Devleti oluşturan erklerin karşılıklı “denge ve fren” sistemi içinde işlemeleri, hem istikrar ve güven açısından hem de hesap verme sorumluluğu açısından vazgeçilmezdir. Hükümet modelleri yasama ve yürütme erkleri arasındaki güç paylaşımı ve ilişkiye göre biçimlendiğinden, hesap verebilirlik ve etkinlik bağlamında her iki hükümet modelinin de bir takım güçlü ve zayıf noktaları bulunmaktadır. Genel olarak, parlamenter sistemlerde yasama ve yürütme erklerinin fonksiyonlarının kaynaşması, siyasal kararların etkinliğini artırırken, erkler arasındaki sınırların belirsizliği hesap verebilirliği güçleştirmektedir. Başkanlık modelinde, ise başkanın yasama organınca düşürülememesi “istikrar” ve “katılık” paradoksuna neden olabilmektedir. Sonuç olarak, her siyasal sistem için ideal bir hükümet modelinden bahsetmek mümkün değildir. Hükümet modellerindeki güçlü ve zayıf noktaların sistemde ne ölçüde tıkanmalara yol olacağı veya istikrar ve hesap verebilirliği ne ölçüde destekleyeceği her ülkedeki demokrasinin yerleşme düzeyi ve sosyo ekonomik gelişmişlik düzeyi gibi faktörlere bağlı gözükmektedir.
The principle of responsible government, which features the contemporary democracy, is relevant to the principles of constitutional democracy such as the rule of law and the divisions of power. For ensuring democratic stability and confidence as well as democratic accountability, it is necesary for powers to operate in line with the system of checks and balances. Since the systems of government are determined by divisions of power and relations between parliament and executive, each system of government has some strong and weak fetaures as regards accountability and efficiency. Generally, in parliamentary models, while the fusion of powers enhances the efficiency of political decisions, the unclear boundary between powers may pose a challenge for public accountability. In presidency model, the fact that the directly elected president can not be dissolved may cause the dichotomoy of stability and rigidity. Accordingly, there exists no ideal the system of government for all political systems. The fact that the extent to which the strong and the weak features of each government system lead to bottlenecks or promote stability and accountability seems dependent on the factors such as the level of demomcracy and socio economic level of development.
The principle of responsible government, which features the contemporary democracy, is relevant to the principles of constitutional democracy such as the rule of law and the divisions of power. For ensuring democratic stability and confidence as well as democratic accountability, it is necesary for powers to operate in line with the system of checks and balances. Since the systems of government are determined by divisions of power and relations between parliament and executive, each system of government has some strong and weak fetaures as regards accountability and efficiency. Generally, in parliamentary models, while the fusion of powers enhances the efficiency of political decisions, the unclear boundary between powers may pose a challenge for public accountability. In presidency model, the fact that the directly elected president can not be dissolved may cause the dichotomoy of stability and rigidity. Accordingly, there exists no ideal the system of government for all political systems. The fact that the extent to which the strong and the weak features of each government system lead to bottlenecks or promote stability and accountability seems dependent on the factors such as the level of demomcracy and socio economic level of development.
Hesap verebilirlik, Denge ve fren sistemi, Başkanlık sistemi, Parlamenter sistem, Siyasal istikrar, Public accountability, The system of check-balance, Presidency system, Parliamentary system, Political stability
Taner, A. (2015). "Demokrasi, hesap verme sorumluluğu ve hükümet modelleri". Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(1), 71-92.