Hemofilide problem davranışlar ve aşırı koruyucu annelik tutumları
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Hemofili, çocuğun psiko-sosyal gelişimini ve annelerin duygu durumu ile çocuğa karşı tutumlarını olumsuz etkilemesi beklenen kronik hastalıklardandır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ağır hemofili tanısıyla izlenen ergen ve annesinin psikolojik problemlerini incelemek ve annenin duygu durumu ile aşırı koruyucu tutumlarının ergenin davranışları üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Çalışma grubu 19 ağır hemofili A ve B hastası olan erkek ergen (11-16 yaş arası) ve annelerinden oluşmaktadır. 22 gönüllü sağlık personeli anne ve oğulları (11-16 yaş arası) çalışmaya kontrol grubu olarak alınmıştır. Veriler hem anne hem de ergenlerden tek oturumda psikometrik araçlarla toplanmıştır. Hemofili ile anksiyete, depresyon ve karşıt olma-karşıt gelme davranışları arasında pozitif korelasyon bulunmuştur. Annenin aşırı koruyucu tutumları ile ergenlerin anksiyete, depresyon, karşıt olma-karşıt gelme davranışları ve annenin depresyon puanları arasında pozitif bir korelasyon bulunmuştur. Her iki grubun toplam puanları karşılaştırıldığında, annelerin depresyon puanları ve aşırı koruyucu tutumları çalışma grubunda anlamlı olarak fazladır. Ergenlerin ise karşıt olma karşıt gelme, depresyon ve anksiyete puanları çalışma grubunda anlamlı olarak fazla bulunmuştur Hemofili tanısı almış ergen ve annelerinde problem davranışların azaltılması için bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur. İlk olarak anne, hastalık, tedavi ve aşırı koruyucu tutumları ile bilgilendirilmeli, sorumluluklarını paylaşmalıdır. Aile ve hasta çocuk, hemofili risklerini göz önünde bulundurarak, yapılabileceklere odaklanmalıdır.
Hemophilia is expected to adversely affect the child's psycho-social development and mothers’ mood and attitudes toward the ill children. The aim of the study was to investigate the psychological problems of both mother and adolescent and to found out if there was a relationship between mother’s mood, overprotection and adolescents’ problem behaviors. The study group consisted of 19 male adolescents with severe Hemophilia A and B (between 11-16 years) and their mothers. 22 volunteer medical staff mothers and their sons (between 11-16 years) enrolled in the study as a control group. Data were collected from both mother and son with self-rated psychometric tools in one session. There were positive correlation between diagnosed hemophilia and anxiety, depression and oppositional and defiant behavior. Overprotective behavior of mother and sons’ anxiety, depression, oppositional and defiant behavior, and mothers’ depression were positively correlated. When comparing the both group’s total score, mother’s depression, overprotective attitudes, were found significantly different. And adolescents’ oppositional and defiant behavior, depression and anxiety score were found significantly different between groups. Some suggestions were made in order to decrease the problematic behavious in both hemophilic adolescents and their mothers. Mothers should be informed about the disease, treatment and their overprotective attitudes and mothers must be supported to share responsibilities in care of hemophilic children. The family and the hemophiliac child should focus on what can be done, taking into account the risks of hemophilia.
Hemophilia is expected to adversely affect the child's psycho-social development and mothers’ mood and attitudes toward the ill children. The aim of the study was to investigate the psychological problems of both mother and adolescent and to found out if there was a relationship between mother’s mood, overprotection and adolescents’ problem behaviors. The study group consisted of 19 male adolescents with severe Hemophilia A and B (between 11-16 years) and their mothers. 22 volunteer medical staff mothers and their sons (between 11-16 years) enrolled in the study as a control group. Data were collected from both mother and son with self-rated psychometric tools in one session. There were positive correlation between diagnosed hemophilia and anxiety, depression and oppositional and defiant behavior. Overprotective behavior of mother and sons’ anxiety, depression, oppositional and defiant behavior, and mothers’ depression were positively correlated. When comparing the both group’s total score, mother’s depression, overprotective attitudes, were found significantly different. And adolescents’ oppositional and defiant behavior, depression and anxiety score were found significantly different between groups. Some suggestions were made in order to decrease the problematic behavious in both hemophilic adolescents and their mothers. Mothers should be informed about the disease, treatment and their overprotective attitudes and mothers must be supported to share responsibilities in care of hemophilic children. The family and the hemophiliac child should focus on what can be done, taking into account the risks of hemophilia.
Hemofili, Ergen, Psikolojik problemler, Aşırı koruma, Duygu durum, Hemophiliac, Adolescent, Psychological problems, Overprotection, Mood disorders
Evim, M. S. ve Kantarcıoğlu, A. Ç. (2020). "Hemofilide problem davranışlar ve aşırı koruyucu annelik tutumları". Güncel Pediatri Dergisi, 18(1), 74-84