Effects of hypertonic sodium chloride, hypertonic sodium chloride plus sodium bicarbonate and hypertonic sodium chloride plus ringer's lactade solution in the treatment of dogs with experimentally induced endotoxaemia

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The aim of this study was to compare the effects of isotonic sodium chloride (ISS-0.9%), hypertonic sodium chloride (HSS-7.2%), HSS + lactate ringer solution (LRS) and HSS + sodium bicarbonate solution (SBS-1.3%) in the treatment of dogs with endotoxaemia. Endotoxaemia was induced by slow injection of a I mg/kg/i.v. dose of E. coli endotoxin (0111:B4). At the treatment stage, four groups, each composed of six dogs, were formed and a different treatment plan was carried out in each group: ISS, HSS, HSS + LRS and HSS + SBS. Clinical, haematological and biochemical examinations were performed before and after endotoxaemia. Hypotension (MAP < 60 mm Hg), leukopaenia and trombocytopaenia were observed during endotoxaemia in all dogs. MAP and plasma volume were increased in all groups except the ISS group. HCO3- values were increased in the HSS + SBS group and decreased in the other groups. Therefore, it was concluded that the HSS + SBS combination was the most effective model of fluid therapy in the treatment of dogs with endotoxaemia.



Veterinary sciences, Animalia, Canis familiaris, Sodium chloride, Lactate ringer, Sodium bicarbonate, Endotoxaemia, Dog, Fluid resuscitation, Saline solution, Shock, Therapy, Neutropenia, Inhibition, Infusion, Sodyum klorür, Laktatlı ringer, Sodyum bikarbonat, Endotoksemi, Köpek


Batmaz, H. vd. (2003). “Effects of hypertonic sodium chloride, hypertonic sodium chloride plus sodium bicarbonate and hypertonic sodium chloride plus ringer's lactade solution in the treatment of dogs with experimentally induced endotoxaemia”. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 27(2), 339-347.