Signal fluctuations in crystal-APD systems

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PbWO4 and CsI(Tl) crystals are widely used in high energy physics experiments. The photons generated from incident particles in the crystal material are detected by the Avalanche photodiodes (APD) placed at the end of the crystals. In this work, the light generated by 0.1-5 GeV electrons in the crystals has been obtained using with the GEANT4 simulation code. The Single Particle Monte Carlo technique has been used to calculate APD output signals and their fluctuations at a constant avalanche gain value of 50 for both the CsI(Tl) and PbWO4 crystals emission spectrum. The simulation results are agreed well with the experimental results. CsI(Tl) crystal-APD system has provided a good material-device combination. The high signal values and the low signal fluctuations make this combination an excellent choice for scintillating light detection.



Instruments & instrumentation, Nuclear science & technology, Physics, Scintillation crystals, Avalanche photodiode, Signal fluctuations, GEANT4 simulation, Avalanche photodiodes, Crystals, Emission spectroscopy, Light, Monte Carlo methods, Scintillation, Avalanche gains, Crystal material, Emission spectrums, GEANT4 simulation, High energy physics experiments, Incident particles, Monte Carlo techniques, Output signal, Scintillating lights, Scintillation crystals, Signal fluctuations, Signal value, Simulation result, Single particle, High energy physics


Koçak, F. vd. (2011). "Signal fluctuations in crystal-APD systems". Nuclear instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 648(Supplement S1), S128-S130.