2018 Cilt 12 Sayı 34

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/11452/20087



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    Improvement of survivalin newborn offspring
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2018-05-08) Koyuncu, Mehmet; Duymaz, Yağmur; Karaca, Merve; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Zootekni Bölümü.
    A significant portion of the world protein requirement is met by ruminants (sheep, goat, cattle). This is to increase the number of offspringraised by decreasing losses with the number of newborn per root as well as raising the intended yield of the animal breeder.Neonatal mortality in ruminants has remained stubbornly unchanging since long years, and represents a significant loss of farm income and affects animal welfare.However, deaths that occurred shortly before birth and within the first postpartum period are defined as prenatal period deaths. Deaths observed in this period are at the highest level. Post-natal period deaths are deaths inthe circuit from the weaning to the prenatal period. Environmental factors are more efficient in deaths in this period. In lambs, kids, calfmost deaths occur in the neonatal period. Causes include starvation, injuries, infectious conditions and difficultbirth,among others. Following birth, offspringareexposed to bacteria and pathogens that its immune system is unfamiliar with. Lamb and kid survival rate are the most important traits influencing income theherd. Therefore, a great deal of effort shouldbe put toward the care of pregnant and newbornsbefore, during, and after birth.Postnatal longevity is very important in the determination of the adaptation of newborns to the environmental conditions and the profitability of the enterprises.The newborns are essentialwithout immune protection as maternal antibodies are not transported across the placenta. An important strategy for newborn receives adequate colostrum during the first two to three hours of life.Colostrum, is rich with the antibodies thatprovide protection,from diseases in early life until the calf's own immune system becomes functional.Mortality is now considered the most crucial indicator of welfare level; it was an important indicator of management quality. The first 7 days of life can be to a new-born animal. The neonatal mortality seen in the first few months constitutes 84% of the total mortality rate.Priorities in newborns management; minimize stress at birth, maximize passive immunity, to meet the nutritional needs and maintain animal health as can be sorted. Because of improving the survival of neonatal lamb,kidsand calvesareessential for the economically and long-term genetic improvement.
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    Effects of disinfection conditions and culture media on in vitro germination of sea daffodil (Pancratium maritimum)
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2017-04-13) Yasemin, Sara; Köksal, Nezihe; Büyükalaca, Saadet
    In this study, we investigated the disinfection methods and germination conditions for seeds of sea daffodil (Pancratium maritimum). Seeds were exposed to 20% and 40% NaOCl (Sodium hypochlorite) solutions for 15, 20, and 25 minutes, as disinfection treatments. The rate of 20% NaOCl was the most appropriate concentration for percentage of seed germination (58%) and plant formation (34%). Effects of three culture media on seed germination, plant formation, and growth were investigated: A. Agar (4 gl-1 ) with sucrose (30 gl-1 ); B. MS (Murashige - Skoog) with agar (4 gl-1 ) and sucrose (30 gl-1 ); C. MS with agar (4 gl-1 ), sucrose (30 gl-1 ), and plant growth regulators (1 mgl-1 BA, 0.1 mgl-1 2,4-D). Evaluated plant growth parameters were total plant weight; number, width, and length of leaf; thickness and length of root; and diameter, length, and weight of bulb. All culture media were found to be successful in terms of in vitro germination of the seeds. The most suitable medium for plant formation and all the plant growth parameters were found to be Medium B. This is an innovative report in that it has been thoroughly investigated in terms of disinfection practices and seed germination media with different evaluation parameters.
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    Determination of natural radiation levels in Izmit gulf Altinova shipyard area
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2018-04-20) Bayrak, Kübra; Yümün, Zeki Ünal; Kam, Erol
    The aim of this study was to develop a first insight regarding the radioactivity grade of sediment samples from Altınova shipyard region. For this purpose, six sediment samples taken from Altınova shipyard region of Yalova province at the entrance of Izmit Gulf. A gross alpha and beta count system (Berthold, LB770-PC 10-Channel Low-Level Planchet Counter) was used to determine the radioactivity levels to the samples. In the completed analyzes, the resulting gross alpha activity was calculated as 211 ± 21 Bq/kg, and the gross beta activity was calculated as 717.7 ± 60 Bq/kg. It was also found that the lowest alpha activity in the samples was 129 ± 26 Bq/kg while the highest was 309 ± 13 Bq/kg. Similarly, when beta activity was examined, it was determined that the lowest and highest levels were 508 ± 51 - 914 ± 40 Bq/kg, respectively. The data obtained were compared with previous studies in the literature. This work, which will reveal the current radioactivity of the area, could be a reference data to future works about radiological mapping or environmental monitoring on the region.
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    Which is the better as an indicator of environmental quality: Parmelia sulcata Taylor or Parmelina tiliacea (Hoffm.) Hale
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2018-04-20) Güvenç, Şaban; Bilgin, Aylin; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi/Biyoloji Bölümü.
    In this study, the changes in photosynthetic pigment contents of epiphytic foliose lichens Parmelia sulcata and Parmelina tiliacea collected on the trunk of oak trees in each one of four different localities in Bursa Province were investigated. Almost all of the photosynthetic parameters of P. sulcata in all the localities were measured higher than in P. tiliacea. Chlorophyll and carotenoid contents, and phaeophytinization rate measured in thalli of P. sulcata showed significant differences between the localities. Only chlorophyll b/a ratio and phaeophytinization rate in thalli of P. tiliacea was not significant between the localities. Other parameters showed significant differences. The highest photosynthetic pigment contents and ratio for each lichen species was measured in samples collected from 3th locality. The lowest chlorophyll a content and phaeophytinization rate for each lichen species were measured in samples collected from 2nd locality. Compared to variations in the chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll, and total carotenois content for each lichen species between the localities were found statistically significant at level P<0.01. P. sulcata was the better as an indicator of environmental quality than P. tiliacea.