Biogas potential in Görükle campus of Uludağ University

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


In this study, the potential of animal manure of the Application Research Centres of the Faculty of Agriculture and the Ranch of Veterinary Medicine and located within the boundaries of Görükle Campus at Uludağ University, the waste of rapeseed, sunflower, and wheat production of the Agricultural Research and Application Centre at the Agricultural Faculty and food waste of all dining halls, restaurants and cafeterias, particularly the Central Dining Hall, situated on the campus was determined in order to determine the biogas potential of the campus. As the dry matter, based on the organic waste potential, the biogas potential relating of the campus was calculated to be 499962.91 m 3 . It was determined that 17.95% of this potential consisted of animal manure, 46.15% of it consisted of agricultural production waste and 35.90% of it consisted of food waste. It was calculated that the electric energy potential obtained by transforming the biogas potential into electric energy by means of a generator was 980.22 MWh.



Animal manure, Food wastes, Biogas, Agricultural wastes, Electricity


Alibaş, İ. vd. (2016). "Biogas potential in Görükle campus of Uludağ University". Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences, 10(29), 79-88.