The new art and a fictional analysis of kurt vonnegut's breakf ast of champions and god bless you mr. Rosewater

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


Kurt Vonnegut wrote Breakfast of Champions in 1974. The novel clainis to set forth a reform again stall the rules set by Henry James, as to the content and form. Dialogues are best examples of lack of communication in our society. The drawings and scetches which imüate those of Pop Artists reveal an ironic representation of current American values. Vonnegut approaches his own society with a critical insight. God Bless You Mr. Rosewatcr is the story of a millionare who has left New York to establish a foundation in lndiana. Eliot R osewater, the protolfonist, is ready to give "infinite love" but ''finite money" to anyone who com es to his door. Vo nnegut criticizes this materiolistic outlook to life, besides he claims that such hard-care realism destroys all hopes for a more pleasant future. His ideas harmoniouiy blend the thpories which emerged by the end of 1960 in the U.S. and came to be known as the "New Art". In the New Art emphasis lies on self· experience both for the artist and the audience. New Art is anti intellectual and it values immediacy and sensation. Style is intportant in the sense that it finds expression in comics magazines and bookş. Best examples of New Art can be seen in science fiction novels, commercial and experimental films, "country music" or even in "computer music". lt also uses such massmedia as television and radio. Kurt Vonnegut through his both novels, deal exclusively with the "New Are'.
Çağdaş Amerikan Yazınının önemli isimlerinden biri olan Kurt Vonnegut Breakfast of Champions (Şampiyonların Kahvaltısı) isimli romanını 1974 yılında yazdı. Roman biçim ve içerik olaralı Henry James'in ön gördüğü yazın kurallarına bir başkaldırı niteliği taşır. Romandaki diyaloglar çağımızın sanları arasındaki iletişim kopukluğunu bütün canlılığı ile sergiler. Sık sık karşımıza çıkan resim ve çizimler ise modern Amerikan toplumunun tüketime yönelik değer yargılarını temsil eder. Yazar kendi toplumuna alaycı ve eletirel bir gözle yaklaşmaktadır.



Mr. Rosewater, Amerikan edebiyatı


Okur, N. (1988). " The new art and a fictional analysis of kurt vonnegut's breakf ast of champions and god bless you mr. Rosewater". Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(1), 121-127.